Chapter 3 System Management
Procedure of version restoration is basically the same as version
As mentioned previously, the ZXR10 5900/5200 supports config-
uration file import/export. Copy the configuration file startrun.dat
to the background host over FTP/TFTP, where edit the file with a
certain text editor, and then copy the file back to the foreground
Flash’s CFG directory over FTP/TFTP. The file will take effect the
next time the system is rebooted.
1. When use
command to transfer FTP file between back
host and switch, fisrt configure host ip address in the same
network segment that VLAN interface ip address is in and the
interface which host connects belongs to the vlan and can ping
through Vlan ip address.
2. Pay attention to the format requirement while editing
startrun.dat with a text editor.
Software Version Upgrade
Normally, version upgrade is needed only when the original ver-
sion does not support some functions or the equipment cannot
run normally due to some special reasons. If version upgrade op-
erations are performed improperly, upgrade failure may occur or
the system fails to start. Therefore, before version upgrade, the
maintenance personnel must be familiar with the principles and
operations of the ZXR10 5900/5200 and learn the upgrade steps
Upgrading the Version at Abnormality
To upgrade the version for ZXR10 5900/5200 in abnormal case,
perform the following steps.
1. Set the switch management Ethernet port IP address and back-
ground host in the same network section.
2. Refer to
FTP/TFTP Overview
, start the background FTP server
3. Reboot ZXR10 5900/5200, and press any key at prompt in a
HyperTerminal session to enter the Boot state. The display is
as follows:
ZXR10 System Boot Version: 1.0
Creation date: Dec 31 2002, 14:01:52
Press any key to stop for change parameters...
[ZXR10 Boot]:
Type “c” in the Boot state, and press ENTER to enter the param-
eter modification state. Change the boot mode to booting from
the background FTP; change the FTP server address to that of
the background host; change the client and gateway addresses
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