C h a p t e r
VRRP Configuration
Table of Contents
VRRP Overview ............................................................... 105
Configuring VRRP ............................................................ 106
VRRP Configuration Example ............................................. 107
VRRP Maintenance and Diagnosis....................................... 109
VRRP Overview
Host in a broadcast domain usually sets a default gateway as the
next hop of route packets. The host in the broadcast domain can-
not communicate with the host in another network unless the de-
fault gateway works normally. To avoid the single point of failure
caused by the default gateway, multiple router interfaces are con-
figured in the broadcast domain and run the Virtual Router Redun-
dancy Protocol (VRRP) in these routers.
VRRP is used to configure multiple router interfaces in a broadcast
domain into a group to form a virtual router and assigns an IP
address to the router to function as its interface address. This
interface address may be the address of one of router interfaces
or the third party address.
The router is used as the master router if its interface address is
used and other routers are used as the backup ones. The router
with high priority is used as the master router if the third party
address is used. If two routers have the same priority, the one
with the greater interface address wins. For ZXR10 5900/5200, if
the two routers priorities are same, master apply priority rule.
Set the IP address of the virtual router to gateway on the host
in this broadcast domain.
The master router is replaced with
the backup router with the highest priority if the master router
is faulty, without affecting the host in this domain. The host in
this domain cannot communicate with outside world only when all
routers in the VRRP group work abnormally.
These routers can be configured into multiple groups for mutual
backup. The hosts in the domain use different IP addresses as
gateway to implement data load balance.
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