C h a p t e r
Structure and Principle
Table of Contents
Working Principles .............................................................. 9
Hardware Structure ...........................................................10
Working Principles
ZXR10 3900A/3200Aseries products are the box (L3) line-rate Eth-
ernet switches developed by ZTE. This series switches adopt mod-
ular design and have strong capability in service control and user
management so as to provide networking solutions to convergence
of enterprise network, IP MAN network and residential block.
This series products have powerful functions and sound perfor-
mance. According to system functions, the products contain the
following modules: control module, switching module, interface
module and power module.
1. Control module: It contains main processor and some other
external functional chips and is used for system to process var-
ious applications. It provides console port for data manipula-
tion and maintenance.
2. Switching module: the main part of switching module is packet
processor, used for processing and switching of packets sent
from ports.
3. Interface module: It is composed of interface chips and pe-
ripherals circuits to connect the external user and receive/send
4. Power module: The module adopts 220V AC or -48V DC to sup-
ply needed power to the other components within the system.
5. Monitor module (provided only by ZXR10 3228A-EI): signal
input on three pairs of backbone nodes, signal output on five
pairs of backbone nodes.
ZXR10 3900A/3200A system principle diagram is shown in
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