Use Join Me to copy photos to your computer
Transfer photos from the handset to your computer using Join Me:
Make sure the phone is switched on and connected to the computer and Join Me has been
The PC Connection on the handset needs to be set to USB
Menu > Settings >
tab right to
Handset > PC Connection > USB
Connect the phone to the computer using the USB lead supplied
Double-click the Join Me icon on the desktop.
Select the phone type and press Connect.
Select the Media tab
as shown on the next page
Double click on My Phone in the bottom left hand corner
Double click on Photos to expand the folder structure
Double click on My Pictures to see the picture files on the right hand side.
Drag* the required file from the file list and Drop* it into the required destination folder on the PC.
The file will be copied to the destination folder (Desktop in the example below).
Files can only be transferred into Folders.
The default picture size is very small when viewed on the computer.
See section 10.1 to change the image size.
* Drag and Drop is a method of copying files. Click on the file, hold down the left mouse button, move
the mouse pointer to the required destination and release the left mouse button to Drop the file to
that location. Alternatively right click on the file and use Copy and Paste from the menu.