Installing Join Me
Please install the Join Me CD before connecting the phone to the computer.
Insert the CD provided into the computer
The CD will auto-start after a few seconds
If auto run does not start then run Setup.exe from the CD
The installation shield will launch and guide you through the installation
Please follow the prompts to install the software
When the installation is complete plug the handset into the computer using the USB lead supplied
The USB lead is unique and should not be used for other devices (It is not the same as digital
camera leads)
When the handset is plugged in the computer will automatically install the drivers. If this fails
consult our website for more help or access Windows Device Manager to update the drivers. See
www.zte.com.au for instructions
If the phone is connected to the computer before installing the CD then the drivers will not be installed
Unplug the phone, un-install then re-install Join Me
See www.zte.com.au for more assistance