Chapter 3 Services
speed rate of each line pair can reach 2312 Kbps, while that of
SHDSL.bis can reach 5696 Kbps.
It increases the line binding number. SHDSL can provide up to
four wires, while SHDSL.bis can provide up to four pairs, that
is, eight wires.
Ethernet Service
As the current universal data telecommunication service, Ethernet
service is featured with high outburst and less sensitivity to delay.
FSAP 9800 employs transparent bridging to process Ethernet ac-
cess service. It provides Broadband Dedicated Line to the medium
or small enterprises which cannot construct a private network to
connect the enterprise headquarters with subsections and the In-
ternet. In addition, FSAP 9800 guarantees the service quality of
links such as bandwidth and delay, making it easy for an enter-
prise to create its own
flexibly based on the public network.
Ethernet service has the following features:
Ethernet is used for UTP-5 medium-based 100 Base-Tx Ether-
net equipment access having a transmission distance less than
100 m.
Ethernet service features high bandwidth and less delay.
Ethernet is a major
technology (currently used for approx-
imately 85 percent of the world's LAN-connected computers
and workstations).
PON Service
is a technology based on point-to-multipoint topology. The
control frame and data frame support the standard 802.3 frame.
PON system consists of three parts:
shows the PON system architecture.
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