ZPrAE Sp. z o.o.
The data is collected, while mutual sync is maintained, and stored in a circular
buffer of cache RAM. When the recorder is triggered (started) the data from the specified
(pre-set) time before the trigger is stored in the non-volatile memory. The data after the
trigger is saved for as long as it reaches the total length of recording. The so-called pre-
trigger time and post-trigger time can be configured using ZPrAE-EDIT software.
The recorder is triggered by one of the eight configurable signals. User can set
them in the parameter window of disturbance recorder as shown in fig. 6.1. Select the
RECORDER option in the program main window and go to the second tab, RECORDER
Signals are linked by an OR gate – activation of one of them triggers the recorder.
User sets the maximal time of recording and post-trigger time. Maximal time of single
recording is 60 s.
Recorder parameters:
sampling frequency - 1 kHz,
resolution of analogue-to-digital converter – 12 bits,
time of single recording – from 600 ms to 60 s
number of available records – from 1 to 210 depending on the recording time
Change in the recording time automatically deletes the previous records.
Fig. 6.1. Configuration of the disturbance recorder in the AZT-9.