The 101ASSB is a Gas/Electric System Controller that will control up to
20 zones for the System 2000 zoning system. The System Controller
selects the mode of operation based on a majority calls basis. It is
used in conjunction with a Capacity Controller. The Capacity Controller
controls the HVAC system staging. Capacity Controllers are available for
one, two, three and four stage systems. Refer to Capacity Controller
section (pg. 28) for further information.
The 101ASSB is a vote based, auto changeover System Controller. It polls
each zone every 120 seconds, registering heat or cool calls. Majority
wins, and the Controller operates the HVAC system in that mode until all
calls are satisfied or it detects a majority of offsetting calls.
The System Controller should be located in an accessible, conditioned
space. The Controller does not sense temperature; it simply receives data
from the zone thermostats. The Controller communicates to the zone
dampers and thermostats through a five-wire link. These five wires are
daisy chained to each zone damper. This simple patented wiring process
eliminates home run wiring.
When heating or cooling calls are sent to the System Controller, the
controller will treat these calls as votes.
– If the majority of calls are for cooling, the System
Controller will turn on the compressor and fan. The air conditioner will
continue to operate until all cooling calls are satisfied or the majority
changes to heating.
– If the majority of calls are for heat, the System Controller
will turn on the heat. If the fan switch is set for auto, the bonnet control
or a delay relay will start the fan. When all heating calls are satisfied or
the majority changes to cooling, the gas valve will turn off.
– If the system is running in one mode and the majority
of calls changes to the other mode, a timer will start. The System Con-
troller will give the current operating mode another 4 minutes to try and
satisfy the zone(s). It will then go into a 4-minute purge cycle before
switching modes.
– When a heat or cool call is satisfied or before chang-
ing modes, the System Controller will go into a 4-minute purge cycle.
The compressor or gas valve will turn off and the indoor blower will con-
tinue to run. The dampers of any zone thermostat not satisfied in the
previous mode will remain open. This allows the supply air to adjust
to room temperature before changeover or ventilation while providing a
time delay to prevent short cycling.
– When no zones are calling, all zone dampers open after
the purge mode. This permits ventilation in all zones if the blower fan is
on continuously.
Dimensions 7” x 7” x 2.5”
Heat Pump System Controller
with LAS Sensor
Gas Electric System Controller