H0360700.D - EN - 2016-02
❷ Installati on
2.1 I Selecti ng the locati on
The appliance must be installed in a technical room venti lated, dry and without stored pool
treatment products.
Install the appliance as close as possible to the heati ng source (boiler, heat pump, geothermal, solar-powered heati ng,
If the appliance cannot be installed beside the heati ng source:
Provide for the dimensioning of the pipes and primary and secondary circuits in relati on to the water fl ow rate, the
losses of load and the distance, and insulate them thermally,
Install a more powerful circulati ng pump (contact us for its dimensions and supply),
If the exchanger is away from the fi lter: the swimming pool circuit pipes must have a minimum dimension of Ø50 and
be placed in a protecti ve sheath if they are run underground.
The water treatment system must be installed aft er the exchanger and at a low point to avoid chlorine being returned
to the exchanger,
Leave at least 80 cm free space around the appliance to facilitate its installati on and maintenance,
The pipes must not be supported by the exchanger.
The appliance must be placed on a solid and level base which is raised off the ground in case of fl ooding or if the fl oor
is cleaned with a water spray.
2.2 I Hydraulic connecti ons
Respect the hydraulic connecti on directi on (see the label on the appliance).
Do not use quick closure valves to avoid water hammer.
Correctly ti ghten the hydraulic connecti ons and check for leaks.
Check that the pipe system is cleaned before connecti ng anything.
: pool water inlet valve (secondary circuit)
: pool water by-pass valve (secondary circuit)
: pool water outlet valve (secondary circuit)
: heati ng water inlet valve (primary circuit)
: heati ng water outlet valve (primary circuit)
: exchanger
: pool circuit
: heati ng circuit
: circulati ng pump
: automati c bleeder
: solenoid valve (opti onal)
: water treatment
: anti -return valve
: drainage valve
Tip: calorie exchange opti misati on
The water from the heati ng source must be at constant temperature.
Respect the water fl ow directi on in the exchanger.
2.2.1 Heati ng system connecti on (a.k.a. primary)
The primary circuit's spur must be upstream of any valves or pumps.
With insulated pipes,
Fitt ed with a safety valve (pressure limited to 3 bars) and a correctly-dimensioned expansion chamber,
The pipes must have automati c drains at their high points.
2.2.2 Pool system connecti on (a.k.a. secondary)
90° elbow fi tti ngs must not be installed directly at the exchanger outlet; leave at least 25 cm
of straight pipe to prevent chatt er of the fl ow controller armature.
In PVC pipes Ø50 minimum,
compulsory via a by-pass.