4.4 I Replacing the tracks
Lay the cleaner on one side.
Starting with one of the wheels, pull the inside of the track to separate it from the wheel
(see image ).
Then remove
the track from the cleaner.
To install the new track, position the inside of the track on the small wheel's grooves and on one of the large wheels.
Stretch the track around the second wheel,
(see image )
. Press down on the track to position it correctly on the
wheel grooves. Make sure that the track passes under the guide.
4.5 I Storage and winterizing
For winterizing, drain off all the water from the cleaner (damage caused by frost is not covered by the warranty).
Clean the whole device and the hoses in clean water then leave to dry.
Store the device in a dry place which is protected from freezing conditions. Store the cleaner on its side or back to
avoid damage to turbine (voir
Remove all the connectors and adaptors from the suction line or the skimmer.
Tip: Preserve the condition of the hoses during storage
When the cleaner is stored away, even for short periods, avoid rolling the hoses: they may take on a shape
which may harm the cleaner's performances.