Deck Framework
The first step is to test fit and glue the spines in
place. We used Titebond lll. The center spine (CS)
and the two spines (S). The marks go forward.
Note that the spines go under the chine at the front.
All spines should be flush with the bulkheads.
Test fit the deck supports (DS). These should set
parallel with the chine and not bow at all.
If they are not, find out why and correct it before
gluing in place.
If okay, glue in both deck supports.
Sand the top so that all spines and supports are
flush with the bulkheads.
Trim the building tabs, and sand the bulkheads to
match the top contour.
DO NOT sand off the top of bulkhead 4.
Reinforce the engine rails as follows:
Mix filler with 30 minute epoxy to make a paste for
the engine rails.
This paste should create a small fillet on each side
of the rails.
Make the paste thick so that it will not run or sag.
Do the inside and outside of the engine rails. Make
sure that you pack it in on the inside.
Use your finger the make a small fillet.
Wipe off any excess filler.