Glue the radio box top on.
This is the 1/8 inch Birch top.
Take a break for a while, so that the radio box glue
joints can cure.
Lightly sand the top of the box.
Glue the 1/16 ply top to the radio box.
It has a slightly larger hole for the lid, so try to
center it so that the “lip” is even all around.
Make sure that you don’t get any glue in the “lip”, as
it will interfere with the way the lid seats.
The plastic lid will be sealed with tape when running
the boat.
Sand the entire box with 220.
Stand back and admire your awesome radio box!
Back to the boat:
Make sure that it has been at least 2 hours since
you glued the bottom sheeting to the hull.
With your plane, remove the overhang of the bottom
sheets at the sides.
Sand all over with 80. Do this while the boat is still
attached to the jig, as it is far easier than trying to
do it in your lap!
Keep the bottom corners sharp at this point.
Do not round off the bottom to transom
junction, we need it sharp.
With your razor saw, cut all the tabs that are holding
your hull to the building jig.
Ditch the jig. We don’t need it any more.
Hey, this is really starting to look like something
After you finish admiring your cool new
hull, let’s
move on.