• For a good water supply, any aerators and shower-heads should be
separated and cleaned or renewed at regular intervals.
• The electrical and plumbing components should be inspected by a
competent person at least every three years to ensure correct performance
and operational safety at all times.
• The line strainer is located in the flow valve and
should be examined and cleaned periodically, not
only when operation of the appliance deteriorates,
but also in conjunction with regular servicing. Turn
clockwise to remove.
Attention: Residual water will be discharged!
Fault Finding
Possible cause
The “Power” indicator
Circuit breaker
Have the fault rectified
does not light and the
and reset.
water is cold.
Flow pressure switch is
Increase flow pressure
not working (ILH only).
(ILH only).
Safety thermal cut-out
Contact customer service
tripped (ILH only).
(ILH only). Re-set.
The “Power” indicator
Heating element is faulty.
Replace the element,
lights, but the water
contact customer service.
is cold.
Electronics faulty (ILX only).
Reset fuse. In case of
repeated failures, contact
customer service
(ILX only).
Safety thermal cut-out
Reset. In case of repeated
tripped. (ILX only).
trips contact customer
service. (ILX only).
The “Overheat”
Over-temperature (ILH only).
Increase flow, check cold
indicator lights.
water temperature
(ILH only).
Dirt in tap or filter (ILH only). Clean as necessary (ILH only).
ILH6, ILH9, ILX6, ILX9 & ILX12 Installation Instructions 7