UNItivity 5000
Initial System Setup
User Manual
Copyright © 2022 Zinwave. All rights reserved.
Note that the entire DAS will be rebooted when a full new software Installation takes place.
Please wait for all the RUs and SHs to be Flashed, after which the Primary Hub will reboot. Following
the system restart, warnings will be displayed if any SHs or RUs contain firmware that is not the
expected version. If any unexpected firmware versions are reported, use the option to ‘Update RU and
SH Firm
ware from Installed Hub Software’.
To update RU and SH Firmware from an Installed Primary
Hub Software Release:
In cases where the installed Primary Hub software is the desired version, but the system is warning
that some Remote Units or Secondary Hubs contain an unexpected firmware version, it is possible to
update the firmware on those units by clicking
“Update Firmware”. No release file is required in this
case, as firmware that already exists on the Primary Hub is used. Only the SHs and RUs that require
updating will be rebooted when firmware installation takes place.
10.3 System Setup
The System Setup page allows the user to view and apply an RF configuration to the DAS and enable
and disable modules. It allows the user to declare how much power will be arriving at each Service
Module Input, and how much transmitted power is required at each Remote Unit output. The system
configures the corresponding downlink gains to achieve the requested output powers. It also configures
the uplink gain, according to the downlink gain and the desired UL/DL balance.
Import Coverage Tool setting
This feature is used to load the RF design parameters during the system setup process. The user has
the option of directly importing Coverage Tool settings or entering them manually.
To import Coverage Tool settings, click “Choose File” and locate a file with ‘.cts’ extension, previously
exported from the Coverage Tool (
After changes are made to the configuration parameters, they can be validated by pressing the
"Validate System Settings" button, which will cause the Validation Results page to be displayed. Click
“Apply” to save the changed configuration (resulting in the System Status page opening). Changes can
be cancelled at any stage prior to clicking "Apply" by clicking the "Undo" button, leaving the system
running with the previously installed values.
Applying new settings reconfigures the entire system and will take several minutes on a large
Primary Hub Configuration
The expected input power arriving at each Service Module Input is dependent on the base-station
output power and the attenuation in the POI hardware that feeds the Service Module. It is declared as
the Calculated Input Level (dBm) at the Service Module input.
Services may also be brought to the hub over fiber using a Transport Module in a rear slot. The