
Most ser vos sold to day re quire power from a
reg u lated 5V power sup ply. This is usu ally
ac com plished with a LM7805 volt age reg u la tor
or equiv a lent. Ad di tionally, a di ode and a cou ple of
con dens ers are also needed.
Normally such a power
sup ply can be fed
through the blue wire
com ing from the
de cod ers in ter nal
reg u la tor, as shown
in this draw ing.
How ever, if the peak
cur rent draw of the
servo ex ceeds 1 amp,
an ex ter nal rec ti fier
con nected di rectly to the track should be used in stead (Im por tant: Make
sure that all ground points (de coder, servo and reg u la tor) are con nected
with each other!).
The con trol wire be tween the de coder and the servo
should not
con tain any
elec tronic com po nents, such as pro tec tive or pull-up re sis tors!
Ex ter nal power sup ply for twin coil switch ma chines
In some ap pli ca tions the track volt age may not be suit able for op er at ing
turn outs. The prob lem may be caused by too low of a track volt age or a
switch ma chine that is de signed to work on AC only. N gauge switch
machines from Ar nold and some of Roco’s are well known for this prob lem.
A pos si ble so lu tion may be found
in using a po wer supp ly that supp lies an un fil te red DC vol ta ge (its ef fect is
si mi lar to AC and meets the “na tu ral” re qui re ments of many such
ma chi nes).
For ex am ple, an old-fashioned ( non-electronic) mo del
rail ro ad po wer pack may be used. But pay at ten ti on that only the DC out put
is suit ab le. Un der no cir cums tan ces should the AC out put be used !
An or di na ry trans for mer (e.g. 16 - 18V out put) with a rec ti fier ad ded can
also be used ins te ad of a mo del rail ro ad po wer pack.
- The po si ti ve wire of this supp ly is con nec ted to the com mon wire of the
twin coil ma chi ne. The ot her coil wi res are as usu al con nec ted to the grey
and oran ge wire of the MX82. The ground wire of the ex ter nal po wer
supp ly must be con nec ted to the sys tem ground (spa de ter mi nal
“MAS SE” of the MX1 com mand sta ti on).
Op er ating ac ces so ries
. . . w i t h a M X 2 , M X 2 F U , M X 2 1 o r M X 2 1 F U c a b :
En ter the MX82
ad dress
ac ti vate
with keys “W” or “A” (the ”A” key can
be used if this ad dress was al ready used as ac ces sory ad dress in the past).
The dis play is il lu mi nated
, as it al ways is when the ac ces sory mode is
ac tive.
An ad di tional re minder is the “W” in the dis play.
See in struc tion man ual for the Zimo cab, MX2, MX21 etc.!
. . . W i t h a c o m p u t e r :
See “STP” in struc tion manual !
Page 9
orange (MX82)
grey (MX82)
To common wire
To GROUND at command station
(spade terminal “MASSE” at MX1
MX82 Back View
Servo 2
Servo 1
Servo 4
Servo 3
blue (+)
100 uF,
25 V
100 uF,
25 V
5 V
0 V
Servo control wire