![ZIMO MX82D Скачать руководство пользователя страница 6](http://html.mh-extra.com/html/zimo/mx82d/mx82d_operating-instructions-manual_934126006.webp)
In re gards to wi ring: see chap ter 5 !
and also sema phores with so le noid or mo tor drives
de li ver ed
(or af ter a
, which is ac com plis hed with a ZIMO cab by
chan ging the pro gram med ad dress to “0" or by pro gram ming CV # 8 to 8), the most
im por tant CV’s are set as fol lows: Main ad dress CV # 513, 521 = 3 , Sub ad dress CV
# 545 = 10, Po wer-on time CV’s # 515 - 518 = 2.
In case of an MX82E or MX82D (1 tur nout only):
the tur nout con nec ted to the oran ge, grey and blue wi res is ope ra ted with the F0
key (with Zimo cab use key #1) at ad dress #3. Po wer is supp lied for 0.2 se conds,
which is com mon for so le noid or EPL dri ves.
With an MX82V for (2 tur nouts):
for the first tur nout see abo ve des crip ti on of the MX82E; the se cond tur nout con -
nec ted to the yel low, whi te and blue wi res, is ope ra ted with the F1 key (be cau se of
the tens di git set in CV #545=10), with Zimo cab use Key #2.
If a
mo tori zed switch ma chi ne
is used ins te ad of a so le noid or EPL dri ve as abo -
ve, the po wer-on time has to be chan ged ac cor ding ly (CV #515, if sub ad dress “0” is
used in CV #545). For ex am ple, if the tur nout mo tor’s switch time is 3 se conds, a va -
lue of “30” or so mewhat hig her should be en te red.
The CV #515 is only then ap pli ca ble if the sub ad dress “0” is used in CV #545. For sub ad dress “1”
use CV #516, for sub ad dress “2” use CV #517 and for sub ad dress “3” use CV #518 to set po -
wer-on time.
The rea son for this stran ge clas si fi ca ti on is that the pro gram ming is simp ler when se ve ral ac ces so ry de -
co ders are used at the same ad dress but with dif fe rent sub ad dres ses. In such a case, each de co der has
its own CV for po wer-on time (e.g. one uses #515, the next #516 and so on) and the re is no chan ce that
anot her de co der gets re-programmed un in ten tio nal ly.
2 mo tori zed switch ma chi nes
are used with an MX82V, both ap pli ca ble po -
wer-on CV’s (e.g. #515 and 516) have to be set to an ap pro pria te va lue (e.g. “30”).
In or der to uti li ze the
4 sub ad dres ses,
which are avai la ble for each ac ces so ry de -
co der ad dress, se ve ral MX82 de co der (2 MX82V or 4 MX82E) have to be pro gram -
med to the same ad dress (in CV #513, 521) but dif fe rent sub ad dres ses (CV #545).
For ex am ple:
- First De co der - MX82E: CV # 513, 521 = 25; CV # 545 = 0 (de fault “10” is also OK)
- Se cond De co der - MX82V: CV # 513, 521 = 25; CV # 545 = 21 (that is sub addr 1 & 2)
- Third De co der - MX82E: CV # 513, 521 = 25; CV # 545 = 03 (that is sub ad dress 3)
The po wer-on ti mes for this ex am ple - if dif fe rent from the de fault set ting of 0.1
se conds- are set as fol lows:
For the first de co der CV #515 = ...,
For the se cond de co der CV #516 = ... and CV #517 = ...,
For the third de co der CV #518 = ....
Forced turn out switch ing us ing in puts 1 to 4:
This is use ful if a train should switch a turn out by it self with the help of a “switch track”,
reed switch etc.
The in put chan nels have to be ac ti vat ed with CV #514; for the abo ve ex am ple (In puts
1 und 2) CV #514 = 3 would be the cor rect set ting. The tur nout can still be con trol led
with the cab or a com pu ter (ex cept du ring ac ti vat ion through the in put chan nels).
Spe ci al in put functi on: Ap ply ing a per ma nent po si ti ve vol ta ge pre vents the tur nout
from being swit ched!
NOTE: Be cau se the same con nec tions are used for ser vos or switch in puts, it is not
pos si ble to em ploy for ced swit ching for ser vos.
Page 6
MX82 back side
Input 2
Input 4
Input 3
blue (+)
Pull-down resistors 10K
Switch inputs
To track or other power supply