
O V E R L O A D P R O T E C T I O N :
As is the case with all ZIMO de co ders, the out puts of the MX82 are pro tec ted
against ex ces si ve cur rent draw and short cir cuits. Any out put is tur ned off if an over -
lo ad si tua ti on exists. Af ter that, the de co der keeps te sting the af fec ted out put,
which of ten re sults in flas hing lights.
Even though the de co der is well pro tec ted, do not as su me that it is in de struc ti ble . Plea se pay at -
ten ti on to the fol lo wing:
Faul ty de co der con nec ti on;
con nec ting the mo tor le ads to track po wer for ins tan ce or an over loo ked
con nec ti on bet ween the mo tor brus hes and rail pick-up’s cau ses shorts that are not al ways re cog ni zed
by the over lo ad pro tec ti on cir cuit and could lead to mo tor end sta ge da ma ge or even to tal de struc ti on of
the de co der.
Un fit or de fec ti ve mo tors;
a shor ted win ding or com mu ta tor is not al ways re cog ni zed by the high cur -
rent con sump ti on it cau ses, be cau se the se are of ten just short spi kes. They can lead to de co der
da ma ge, in clu ding da ma ge to end sta ges due to long time ex po su re.
Vol ta ge spi kes
which can be in du ced from mo tors and ot her lo ads con nec ted to a de co der may be
re spon si ble for more de co der da ma ge than ex ces si ve cur rent draw. The height of such vol ta ge spi kes
de pends on the track vol ta ge se lec ted and can re ach se ve ral hun dred volts. They will be re mo ved by
spe ci al over vol ta ge pro tec ti on cir cuits but the ca pa ci ty and speed of such ele ments is li mit ed. Don’t se -
lect a hig her track vol ta ge than what is re com men ded for the rol ling stock used on the lay out. The full
ran ge (up to 24V), ad jus tab le with a Zimo com mand sta ti on, should only be uti li zed in spe ci al ca ses.
Even though Zimo de co ders can be ope ra ted at 24 Volts (MX62 at 20V), that is not the case if used in
con juncti on with some ot her functi on ele ments built into a lo co mo ti ve.
T H E R M A L P R O T E C T I O N :
All de co ders co ver ed in this ma nu al have the abi li ty to mea su re their own ope ra ting
tem pe ra tu re. Po wer to the mo tor will be tur ned off once the tem pe ra tu re of the
de co der ex ceeds 100
C. The he ad lights start flas hing ra pid ly, at about 10 Hz, so
that the ope ra tor can re cog ni ze this sta te. Mo tor con trol will re su me au to ma ti cal ly
af ter a drop in tem pe ra tu re of about 20
C, ty pi cal ly in 30 to 60 se conds.
Ad dresses and Pro gramming
In con trast to loco de cod ers, ac ces sory de coders re quire not only an
ad dress
also a
sub ad dress
(2 sub ad dresses for the MX82V). The ad dress is re quired for
de coder access with a cab, and the sub ad dress de ter mines with which func tion
key the turn out will be op er ated..
Alt hough the MX82 may be in stal led im me di ate ly, an ad dress has to be as sig ned be fo re it is con -
nec ted to the lay out wi ring!
As signing a new ad dress is not pos si ble with sev eral MX82 con nected in par al lel to the track or
power bus; if tried, all MX82 would re ceive the same ad dress.
De tailed
pro ce dures
(ser vice mode and op er a tional mode)
for pro gram -
ming and read ing of ad dresses and con fig u ra tion vari ables are found in the
in struc tion man ual for the cab (e.g. MX21).
Pro gramming is even sim pler and more convenient with the help of a com puter and ADaPT
soft ware (E.Sperrer, soft ware de vel oper)!
Tech ni cal note to ac knowl edg ment/read-out dur ing “ser vice mode” pro gram ming:
When pro gram ming a de coder with a cab or com puter, ev ery suc cess ful pro gram ming step will be made
vis i ble by the de coder. The same ac knowl edg ment method is used when read ing the con fig u ra tion vari -
The de coder ac knowl edg ment is car ried out by briefly turn ing the mo tor and head lights on, caus ing
short power pulses that the com mand sta tion rec og nizes. Ac knowl edg ment and read-out of a de coder is
only suc cess ful if the cur rent con sump tion is high enough, which means that the mo tor and head lights
have to be con nected or at least one of the two.
The mea ning of Con fi gu ra ti on Va ria bles (CV’s) are in part stan dardi zed by the
NMRA DCC RE COM MEN DED PRAC TI CES, RP-9.2.2. The re are ho we ver
cer tain CV’s that are for Zimo de co ders only, in some ca ses ex clu si ve ly for spe ci fic
ty pes.
Al ways use the spe ci fi ca tions for the de co der in ques ti on, sin ce the va lue ran ge
may dif fer bet ween ma nu fac tu rers, even with stan dardi zed CV’s; in this case
the tab le be low.
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Programming in
“Service mode” ”Operations mode”
Decoder or turnout with decoder on Decoder connected to main track.
programming track (socket: ”PROG”).
Addresses and CV programming. Programming of configuration variables only.
Secure programming with Programming without acknowledgement (commands
are sent repeatedly, which increases reliability)
Read-out of configuration variables and Read-out of configuration variables is not possible.
address is possible. (Later possible with “bi-directional communication”).
Start procedure with “E” and “MAN” keys. Start procedure with “E” and “F” or “E” und “W”.
(”on-the-main”, MX1 -socket ”SCHIENE”),