Note: Due to the limitations of NPAPI plugins, the web browser of Chrome/Safari/Firefoxdoes
not support the setting features of playback, talk, motion-detection and privacy mask.
6.1.3 Remote Web Access
You can access the camera remotely via web browser using UPnP/DDNS functionality or Port
Before using UPnP/DDNS functionality, ensure your router should support the uPnP networking
protocol and the protocol should be enabled. Please refer to your router manufacturer’s
documentation to learn how to enable UPnP.
And then login the camera via web browser, go to the “Config” ->”Network”->”DDNS” page to
enable the UPnP and enter the information of athird-party’s DDNS, such as “Dyndns.org”,
“3322.org”, “dynddns.us”, or “No-ip.com”. Click Apply to save the settings. Then you can
access the camera by DDNS remotely.