Zikodrive Motor Controllers is a trading name of Round Bank Engineering Ltd
Unit 4B, Top Land Business Park, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, HX7 5RW
- +44 (0) 1422
This manual is intended to be used with the Zikodrive ZDBL50 SERIES UART compatible Motor
controllers running standard firmware (1.0) and includes the following UART Commands that can
also be used over RS232 or RS485 using the relevant Break Out Boards:
Setting up standard running features such as Speed & Direction Commands, Setting Parameters,
setting a move distance, Braking, switching between modes, Position read and setting PID
Up to 28Vdc.
Up to 50Adc.
Sensored BLDC trapezoidal/Block commutation control
Four Optically Isolated Inputs
Two Power Outputs (24V up to 2A)
Modular design connects to many Break Out Boards that can provide options such as
420mA, 0-10Vdc etc...
16bit high speed Microcontroller controlled.
Important NOTE:
It is critically important to not exceed the recommended input voltages as this may cause
unrepairable damage to the Zikodrive ZD SERIES UART Motor Driver. The max voltage
recommended for any digital or analogue inputs is 5Vdc. DO NOT APPLY Higher Voltage PWM as
this will damage the board.
All wires must be kept as short as possible to reduce EMC emissions from the motor phase cables
and to reduce noise on both the analogue and digital inputs. If you require more information
regarding good wiring practice, please contact Zikodrive