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Individual values are hidden if the corresponding functions are not active.
Setting of the function parameters, description see "Factory settings of the programs"
Device Name (appears in the header of the website)
Version information (see "Factory settings of the programs")
LCD Display setting (see "Factory settings of the programs")
Code protection (see "Factory settings of the programs")
Update notification (message if update is available)
Firmware status, if necessary, the firmware update can carry out via the update button
select firmware (select downloaded firmware)
manual update installation (selected firmware will upload and install)
program update / add new programs
all currently installed programs are checked for the current version and can be updated
new programs can be installed on the TR660IP
Configuration (recent changes to the device are saved with the date / time and the username,
Save configuration (download the system configuration, to save and transfer to other
Load configuration (load a saved configuration into the device and activate it). An
activated user administration is deactivated in the process. No passwords are
Set factory reset (optionally with/without network parameters)
Modbus settings (Modbus TCP protocol on port 502)
Time server settings and time zone settings (for the current time in the device, important to be
able to evaluate the error memory in the device)
User administration (provide device with read and write rights for users in the network)
User (activate user and create name and password)
Guest username at login (fixed, cannot be changed): „gast“, „Gast“, „guest“, „Guest“ or
leave blank
User permissions (determine which users have which rights on which pages)
Attention: Changes (also to passwords) are only accepted after saving (Save button).