Connection diagram with PTC thermistor (PTC)
Figure 5-3-7-1-01
(1) Shielding
(2) 1 PTC thermistor per phase
(3) Attention: Do not apply any voltage > 2.5 V!
Connection diagram with temperature sensor (PT100)
Figure 5-3-7-2-01
(1) Shielding
(2) red
(3) black
Absolute encoder
Never touch the connection contacts on the position absolute encoder or on the cable! The electronics can be
destroyed by static electricity.
You must discharge your own body before touching. This can be done, for example, by touching a conductive,
earthed object (for example bare metal switch cabinet parts) immediately before.
Operation of the elevator machine without an absolute encoder is not permissible.
Translation of the original operating instructions
ZAtop SM250.45B
Electrical installation
A-TBA17_04-GB 2023/28 Index 004 Part.-No. 01013409-GB (EU-BD 760/1)