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MMC-343 Rev - 09/11
Power Cable
It is critical to design and wire the Control System in a manner where the chance of losing power to the
Control System is kept to a minimum.
ZF Marine Electronics recommends that two power sources are utilized along with the APS see document
S-214 Automatic Power Selector Model: 13505 for more information.
A Install the Power cable from the Station Expander to the DC Power Source.
Install each cable so it is protected from physical damage.
B Review the DC Power Supply documents to confirm termination points for power
Control Head Harnesses
There are two choices of Control Head Harnesses depending on the type of Control Head being used with
this application.
• Plug at Station Expander end of harness only. (terminal connection Control Heads)
• Plug at Station Expander and Control Head ends. (Plug connection Control Heads)
The distance of the Control Head from the Station Expander is limited to the length of an uninterrupted 7-
conductor harness. This cable may never be spliced.
A Install the Control Head Wire Harness between each Control Head and the appropriate
Station Expander.
each harness at
both ends
with the station it connects, and Port, Center, or
Starboard for Multi Screw applications.
Install each harness so it is protected from physical damage.
When installing the cable, support using clamps or straps not more than 18 inches (0,5m) apart, unless
contained in a conduit. Refer to the ABYC Standard E-9.
Engine Stop Switch
The Installer supplies the Stop Switches. Refer to the information supplied with the Stop Switches for
NOTE: Repeat for all Station Expanders.
CAUTION: Ensure that each Control Head is plugged into the same Numbered Station Connector on each
Station Expander.
Station 1 Control Head will plug into the Station 1 connector on the Port Station Expander and the
Station 1 connector on the Starboard Station Expander. Failure to do this will result in incorrect Station
WARNING: Each Station must have some method to stop the engine, refer to CFR 46, SEC. 62.35-5 and
ABYC P-24.5.8.