Smart Connect
Single loop touch screen panel
Doc: GLT-229-7-2
Issue: 1
Date: 11/03/2016
Installation Certificate
Certificate of INSTALLATION for the Smart Connect Fire Alarm System installed at:
I/we being the competent person(s) responsible (as indicated by my/our signatures below) for the
installation of the fire alarm system, particulars of which are set out below, CERTIFY that the said
installation for which I/we have been responsible complies to the best of my/our knowledge and belief
with the specifications described below, and with the recommendations of BS5839-1, except for the
variations, if any, stated in this certificate
Name (
Block Letters
For & on behalf of:
The extent of liability of the signatory is limited to the system described below.
Extent of the installation work covered by this certificate.
Specification against which the system was installed:
Variations from the specification and/or section 4 of BS 5839-1 (see clause 7)
The wiring has been tested in accordance with the recommendations of clause 38 of BS 5839-1. The test
results have been recorded and provided to:
Unless supplied by others, the “as fitted” drawings have been supplied to the person responsible for
commissioning the system (see BS 5839-1 clause 36.2m)