LAP-F1 Logic Analyzer
User Guide v1.6
by the LAP-F1 as Low or 0, and voltages above are defined as
High or 1.
Table 4:17 Trigger Level dialog box description
DSO Connection
A DSO Connection can be set up when users want to import and display a DSO signal
in the ZP-Logic software. This can be useful since the LAP-F1 does not have the
ability to capture analog signals. The supported DSO models are listed in Table 4:19.
Two operation modes are possible; the connection can be set up with LAP-F1 as
master or slave depending on which instrument the user wants to provide the trigger
signal. The two modes are described in continuation. The connection setup follows in
chapters and
LAP-F1 as Master
When the LAP-F1 is the master the DSO is the slave. In this mode, the Trigger Out of
the LAP-F1 connects with the Trigger In of the DSO. When the trigger event occurs,
the LAP-F1 sends a trigger signal to the DSO which, upon receiving the signal, starts
to capture data. See the complete connection diagram in Figure 4-22.
Figure 4-22 Connection diagram with LAP-F1 as master