LAP-F1 Logic Analyzer
User Guide v1.6
Table 4:20 DSO driver needed for the DSO connection
Trigger Setup
Trigger Setup is used to define a set of trigger conditions. The LAP-F1 will trigger on
the first event that satisfies all the conditions; see the dialog box in Figure 4-25.
Figure 4-25 Trigger Setup dialog box
Group 0 (Port A/B)
Group 1 (Port C/D)
The first 16 channels are sampled by ports A0-15 (Group A), the
next 16 in ports B0-15 (Group B) etc. For the 40 channel LAP-F1
model all ports from channel C9 to D15 are disabled. For LAP-F1
trigger conditions can only be set for 32 channels at a time.
However; there exists an OR relationship between the Group 0 and
Group 1; this OR condition is automatically enabled if the user sets
trigger conditions in both of the groups.
Trigger Mode
Internal Trigger
Fulfillment of a condition set makes the LAP-F1 emit a trigger