b. Break the remaining 8 pin header in two (4 header pins each). One of the 4-pin pieces goes
in the “Right Sensor” position on the PCB (28). Be sure it’s flush to the top of the PCB and
solder it the same way as the ISP header: tack a pin down and then solder the rest of the
pins (29,30). The other 4-pin piece goes into the “Left Sensor” position. Don’t worry about
clipping the pins; they are too short.
7. Capacitors: There are two different types of capacitors in this kit: ceramic (32) and electrolytic
(33). We will place them in the PCB one type at a time, and then solder them all in at once.
a. Ceramic Caps: These caps look like little yellow blobs with two protruding leads. The Altura
uses two values of ceramic caps: 100nF and 22pF. The only noticeable difference between
these two capacitor values is the tiny labeling printed on their yellow bodies. The 100nF
caps are labeled “104” and 22pF caps are labeled “22”. Please make sure that you use the
correct value in the correct location.