© Copyright 2013 Zephyr Engineering, Inc
HF1 User’s Manual
Version 1.1
– 16 September 2013
bottom of the left column, you will see a dialog box. Click on the small down-arrow and
you will be presented with two selections, “384000” (384Ksps) and “1250000”
There are two reasons that you might want to select the lower sampling rate. The lower
sampling rate requires less CPU resources, so you might want to choose a lower rate if
you PC is slower or older. Another reason to choose a lower sampling rate is to reduce
the network load. The 1.25Msps sample rate will consume about 50% of the entire
100Mbps network bandwidth, or about 50Mbps. This will not work over most WiFi
connections unless you reduce the sample rate. At 384Ksps, the data rate is about
15Mbps, which may be transportable over most 802.11g or 802.11n WiFi networks, but
not over 802.11b networks.
3.5.2 SDR#
(read SDR Sharp) is a high performance SDR application for Windows written in
C#. It is a fully featured SDR, and is available for download here:
The SDR# download is a zip archive, rather than an executable installer for Windows.
Simply download it to a directory on your local drive and unzip the files.
After you have unzipped the files, you must place a copy of ExtIO_SDRSTICK.dll in the
same directory. The latest version of this file can be found on the web at
<svn.sdrstick.com> in the <sdrstick-release/software> directory.
If you have followed the above steps, when you run SDR#, an SDRstick
discovery dialog box will pop up showing the IP address of the SDRstick
receiver that
SDR# found on the network. Click
, and the SDR# main screen appears. Simply
click the
button and you are on the air!
3.5.3 PowerSDR
is fully featured SDR software for Windows, and is available for download
from the openHPSDR downloads page here: <
Scroll down to near the bottom, under the Windows section, and look for
or a similar revision.
The PowerSDR download is an executable installer for Windows. Simply download it to
a directory on your local drive and run it to install the software.
PowerSDR does not require ExtIO_SDRSTICK.dll.
After you launch PowerSDR and before you click the
button for the first time, you
must click on the Setup tab and configure your hardware. Under the
<General><Hardware Config> tab, select
as your Radio Model, and click the
check box. Under the <General><Options> tab, select HIGH as the
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