© Copyright 2013 Zephyr Engineering, Inc
HF1 User’s Manual
Version 1.1
– 16 September 2013
Install applications
Check system information and update hardware drivers
Enable/disable both wired and wireless network ports
Change PC IP address and network mask
Enable and disable PC DHCP client
Use console to check IP address and ping network devices
Check/set environment variables using the system properties dialog box
Navigate PC file system to copy and move files
3.1 Step QS1
– Download and Install Programming Software
The design and programming software for the BeMicroSDK is available for free
download from the Internet. (Note that this software is different from the SDR GUI
software that is used to operate the radio. We will cover that in section 3.5) There are
four components to this support software. Which of the four components you need are
determined by how you are going to use your HF1 receiver. See Table 2 for a quick
summary of the support software components.
Support Software
Used To
Quartus II Web Edition
Design Software
Write, modify, compile and program
FPGA firmware into FPGA configuration
Quartus II
Program FPGA firmware into FPGA
configuration SRAM
USB Blaster Driver
Included in Quartus II
Web Edition and Quartus
II Programmer
Enable BeMicroSDK USB power
(Windows); required to program FPGA
configuration SRAM or BeMicroSDK
configuration flash memory
Program BeMicroSDK configuration
flash memory; create SDRstick
Block FLASH files
Table 2- Support Software Components
3.1.1 How to Determine What Programming Software You Need
To help you to determine what software to load, first we will explain a bit about how the
FPGA works and then show you what each software program does. SideBar: FPGA Configuration Technical Details
The FPGA stores its configuration (firmware) in internal static memory cells (SRAM).
This internal FPGA memory is aptly called
configuration SRAM
. Since configuration
SRAM is volatile, it must be initialized every time the FPGA is powered on. This can be
done in two ways: from the USB port or from the BeMicroSDK on-board flash-
programmable ROM. When power is first applied, dedicated circuitry inside the FPGA
automatically loads the configuration SRAM from this configuration flash ROM, if it
contains FPGA firmware. (Note that even if the ROM does contain a valid firmware load,
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