© Copyright 2013 Zephyr Engineering, Inc
HF1 User’s Manual
Version 1.1
– 16 September 2013
2 Quick Start Guide
This quick start guide will lead you through the steps to get your SDRstick
receiver operating. Please refer to Section 3 for in-depth information on each of these
steps. If your BeMicroSDK came pre-programmed from the factory, you can skip steps
QS1 and QS3.
QS1. Download and install programming software
a. Download and install Altera Quartus II Web Edition
b. Download and install SDRstick
QS2. Install Altera USB Blaster hardware driver (only needed for Windows)
a. Plug in BeMicroSDK and point to driver
b. Verify that power LED
lights on BeMicroSDK
QS3. Program BeMicroSDK
a. Use SDRstick
Programmer to create User Flash Block FLASH file (make
sure to choose an IP address on the same subnet as the PC, or use
DHCP with a server that issues IP addresses on the same subnet)
b. Use SDRstick
Programmer to program three FLASH files (two firmware
and one user block) into BeMicroSDK flash memory
QS4. Make external connections
a. Remove BeMicroSDK from computer
b. Install HF1 onto BeMicroSDK and connect antenna to
c. Connect Ethernet cable to host PC or network
d. Connect power and observe two flashing heartbeat LEDs on BeMicroSDK
QS5. Install and Run GUI software on computer
a. One or more of GNURadio, HDSDR, SDR#, PowerSDR
are options
b. ExtIO_SDRSTICK.dll must be placed into the same directory as the
executable files
– a separate copy is required for each GUI
c. For HDSDR and SDR#, observe that SDRstick discovery was successful
d. For PowerSDR
, configure for Hermes, 1 RX and 384K data rate
e. Receive audio is delivered via the PCs sound system
3 Detailed Operation
The sections of this chapter contain (or provide links to) detailed information on each
step necessary to successfully set up the SDRstick
HF1 Software Defined Receiver. It
is beyond the scope of this document to cover operating-system specific procedures
that are necessary to set up the receiver. It is assumed that the user is capable of
performing the tasks in the following list. Please consult your PC and/or operating
system documentation or use on-line searches to become comfortable with these
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