H. The manual film winder is used for advancing the film, when the
film back s detached from the main body for film loading. The manu-
al film winder can continue to rotate, even when the film is set for the
first exposure. It should be rotated 2 or 3 times more, in order to take
up any slack in the loaded film.
* When loading 220 roll film in the Film Back SQ-I 220, do not mistake
the dotted line before the arrow mark for the starting mark.
Upon loading the film, tear off the end flap from the empty film pack-
age and insert it in the film type indicator frame. This will help you
keep track of the film loaded in the film back, even when two or more
film backs are used with different films.
Rotating the film winding crank completely one time, in the forward
direction, will advance the film one frame and, at the same time, cock
the shutter, with the winding action stopping automatically. On the
other hand, short, rapid strokes, up to an accumulated full rotation,
will also do the job.
* Make sure that "N" on the mirror lock-up switch lever is set opposite
the index when taking pictures which do not require mirror lock-up.
5. Film Loading (con’t)
6. Film Type Indicator Frame
7. Film Advance and Shutter Cocking