TMD-Display View
TMD-Display View
Technical Support:
: sets the value to send to the bus when the configured time elapses.
The options are “Send 0”, “Send 1” and “Send Scene”. The binary values are
sent through the 1-
bit object “
[Pn] [Xj] Timer Control: “0/1”
”, but the scene
values through the generic scene object “
[Pn] [Xj] Scene: Receive
Timer type
: sets the timer type.
“Without Repetition”: The parameterised value ("0", "1" or a scene) will be
sent once through the corresponding object.
“Periodic” The parameterised value ("0", "1" or a scene) will be sent daily
through the corresponding object.
“Countdown” The parameterised value ("0", "1" or a scene) will be sent
through the corresponding object once the countdown expires.
The values are sent when the user
the timer and sets when the
sending must take place. This can be done by short pressing the
corresponding button (each press switches the state: disabled/enabled) or by
sending the value "1" through the "
[Px][By] Enable Timer
" object. If the timer
has been enabled, the timer label and the trigger time will flash on the screen.
Besides, the LED of the button will stay on. If the timer is disabled, just the
name of the button will be shown, while the associated LED stays off. The
same applies to the countdown timers, although the time is shown preceded
by the "-" sign, thus indicating that it is a decreasing value.
Once enabled, it is necessary to set the time (or the countdown interval) for
the sending. This is done from the device itself by long-pressing on the button
(in the case of the countdown, the button can also be short-pressed). Then a
virtual clock shows up in order to set the desired time by making use of the
arrow buttons. To confirm the selection, just short press on the central area.
LED Indicator
Figure 49
Individual Buttons
– Timer.