background image




 Press the 

Start/+30 s /Confirm

 button to start the grilling. A sound signal will be heard 

and  the  grilling  programme  will  start.  The  remaining  grilling  time  will  be  visible  on  the 



  Halfway through the set grilling time a double sound signal will be heard 

(it is normal in this mode of operation). In order to obtain a better grilling 

effect,  press  the  Stop/Clear  button  to  stop  the  oven  operation  and  then 

open  the  door  and  turn  the  food  over. After  closing  the  door,  press  the 

Start/+30Sec/Confirm button to resume the oven operation.


 In the case of extending the time of oven operation by means of the 

Start/+30 s /


 button, a double sound signal will be heard halfway through the previously set 

time rather than halfway through the time extended, for example, by 30 seconds.

Combination cooking (mic grill)


  When the appliance is operated in the combination cooking mode, children 

may only use the oven under adult supervision, because the appliance is 

heated to very high temperature.


 Press the 


 button. The display will show “ ”.


 To select the desired function, press 


 button until the display shows the 

” or „

” message and the 


 symbol or turn the knob towards 


 until the display shows „

” or „

” and the 




” = 55% of the time – microwave cooking 45% of the time – grilling 


” = 36% of the time – microwave cooking 64% of the time – grilling


 Press the 

Start/+30 s /Confirm

 button to confirm the function and turn the knob in the 


 direction to set the cooking time. By turning the knob you can set the cooking 

time from 0:05 (5 seconds) to 95:00 (95 minutes).


 Press  the 

Start/+30  s  /Confirm

  button  to  start  the  cooking. A  sound  signal  will  be 

heard and the grilling programme will start. At the same time, the display shows the 



 symbols and the remaining cooking time.

Quick start


 When the microwave oven is in the standby mode, press the 

Start/+30 s /Confirm


button  to  start  cooking  for  30  seconds  at  the  full  power.  Each  time  you  press  the 

Start/+30 s /Confirm 

button the cooking time will be extended by another 30 seconds. The 

maximum cooking time is 95 minutes.


 During microwave cooking or defrosting by time, each time you press the 

Start/+30 s /


 button the cooking time will be extended by another 30 seconds.


  For pre-set and defrost by weight programmes the cooking time cannot be 



 When the microwave oven is in the standby mode, turn the knob in the 


to set the cooking time at the full power, then press the 

Start/+30 s /Confirm

 button to start 

the cooking.

Defrosting by weight


 Press the 

Wt./Time Defrost

 button once. The display shows „

” and 


 indicator lights will come on.


 Turn  the  knob  in  the 


  direction  to  set  the  weight  of  the  food  to  be 

defrosted. The display will show the numbers in the order from 100–200 ... 1900–2000 

) direction) or in the reverse order (



 Press the 

Start/+30 s /Confirm

 button to start defrosting. A sound signal will be heard 

and the defrosting programme will start. The remaining defrosting time will be visible on the 


Defrosting by time


 Press the 

Wt./Time Defrost

 button twice. The display shows  „

” and 



 indicator lights will come on.


 Turn the knob in the 


 direction to set the defrosting time. The defrosting 

time can be set from 0:05 (5 seconds) to 95:00 (95 minutes).


 Press  the 

Start/+30  s  /Confirm

  button  to  start  defrosting.  The  power  during  the 

defrosting by time is set to 


 and this value cannot be changed.

Automatic reheating



Auto Reheat

. The display shows „

” and 



lights will come on.



Auto Reheat

 or turn the knob to change weight. You can select 200 g, 400 g or 

600 g


 Press the 

Start/+30 s /Confirm

 button to start automatic reheating.

Setting the clock

After  connecting  the  microwave  oven  to  the  mains  the  display  will  show  “

”  and 

a single sound will be heard.


 Press the 


 button. The hour digits will flash and the clock 


light will come on.


 In order to set the hour, turn the knob. The digits can be set from 0 to 23 in the 


direction or from 23 to 0 in the 



 Press the


 button. The minute digits will start flashing.


 In order to set the minutes, turn the knob in the 


 direction. The digits can 

be set from 0 to 59 (in the 

) direction) or from 59 to 0 (in the 

) direction).


 Press the 


 button to finish setting the time. The clock indicator light will 

go off the „ ” symbol will flash on the display.


  The setting will last as long as the microwave oven is connected to the 

mains (and the electricity supply is maintained).


  In order to change the clock setting, repeat the steps 1-5.


  If  you  press  the  Stop/Clear  button  while  setting  the  time,  the  previous 

setting will be automatically restored.

Starting the microwave oven

Having connected the appliance to an appropriate mains socket, place the food inside the 

oven chamber and lock the door before you start programming the microwave oven.

Microwave cooking


  Do not use the grill rack for microwave cooking! Always remove the grill 

rack from the inside of the oven before microwave cooking.


 Press the


. button to select the required microwave power level. “


will be shown on the display. The 


 indicator lights will come on.


 In order to select a different power level, e.g. 


, press the 


. button or turn 

the knob in the 


, direction until the display shows “



 Press the 

Start/+30 s /Confirm

 button to confirm the selected power level and turn the 

knob in the 


 direction to set the cooking time. By turning the knob you can set 

the cooking time from 0:05 (5 seconds) to 95:00 (95 minutes).


 Press the 

Start/+30 s /Confirm

 button to start the cooking.


In order to set the cooking time for 20 minutes at the 80% microwave power, perform the 

following steps:


 Press the 


. button. “

” will be shown on the display and 


 indicator lights will come on.


 In order to select the required power level 


, press the 


. button again or 

turn the knob in the 


 direction until the display shows “



 Press the 

Start/+30 s /Confirm

 button to confirm the selected power level, the display 

will show “



 Turn the knob in the 


 direction to set the required cooking time 20:00 

(20 minutes). The required time will appear on the display.


 Press the 

Start/+30 s /Confirm

 button to start the cooking.























Very low 0%

55% 36%

Grill power






100% 45% 64%


The  table  on  the  right  shows  how  time 

settings can be changed for different time 


0 – 1 minute

every 5 seconds

1 – 5 minutes

every 10 seconds

5 – 10 minutes

every 30 seconds

10 – 30 minutes

every 1 minute

30 – 95 minutes

every 5 minutes





.  „ ”  will  be  shown  on  the  display  and 

  indicator  light  will 

come on.


 Press Start 

Start/+30 s /Confirm

 to confirm your choice.


 Turn the knob toward 


 to set the grilling time. By turning the knob you can 

set the grilling time from 0:05 (5 seconds) to 95:00 (95 minutes).

Содержание ZMW3131W


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Страница 7: ...WANIA PROGRAMU s A 1 Pizza 200 g 2 30 400 g 4 10 A 2 Ziemniaki 200 g 4 40 400 g 8 40 600 g 10 10 A 3 Mi so 250 g 4 10 350 g 5 10 450 g 6 30 PROGRAM MASA OBJ TO PRODUKTU CZAS TRWANIA PROGRAMU s A 4 War...

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Страница 12: ...van oh ev 4 Auto Reheat Automatick p ih v n 5 Wt Time Defrost Rozmrazov n v hov Rozmrazov n asov 6 Clock Pre Set Nataven hodin 7 Stop Clear Zastaven Anulov n 8 Start 30 s Confirm Start 30 s Potvrzen 9...

Страница 13: ...omatick p ih v n Odlo en start Tato funkce umo uje zapnout troubu v pozd j dob nap hodiny zn zor uj as 11 10 a vy pl nujete z h jit va en v 11 30 1 Nastavte hodiny viz kapitola Nastaven hodin 2 Nastav...

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Страница 22: ...ti s r l sek vagy a mikrohull m energia hat sa vesz ly nek cs kkent se rdek ben tartsa be a k vetkez ket VESZ LY FIGYELMEZTET S Figyelmen k v l hagy sa s r l shez vezethet A k sz l k csak rendeltet s...

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Страница 24: ...s t alja s a for g t ny r tart A tiszt t st a TISZT T S KARBANTART S S KEZEL S fejezetben megadott m don v gezze Ne haszn ljon s rol anyagot tartalmaz tiszt t szereket Az ajt k t m t seinek a m lyed...

Страница 25: ...vagy jav tani a s t t A s t fel p t se 1 Vez rl panel 2 Forg tengely 3 Forg t ny r tart 4 Forg vegt ny r 5 Ablak 6 Ajt 7 Biztons gi retesz lev lasztja a t pfesz lts get ha a s t zemel se k zben kinyi...

Страница 26: ...rc k z tt lehet be l l tani 3 A kiolvaszt s megkezd s hez nyomja meg a Start 30 s Confirm gombot A teljes t m ny az id alap kiolvaszt sn l P30 ami egy lland rt k Automatikus meleg t s 1 Nyomja meg az...

Страница 27: ...g 11 30 kor szeretn nk elkezdeni a meleg t st 1 ll tsa be az r t L sd Az ra be ll t sa fejezetet 2 ll tsa be a meleg t si programot Maximum k t meleg t si szakaszt lehet be ll tani A kiolvaszt st nem...

Страница 28: ...ritate de baz Pentru a reduce riscul de arsuri electrocutare incendiu accidente sau a expunerii la energia microundelor trebuie s respecta i regulile PERICOL AVERTIZARE Ne respectarea poate conduce la...

Страница 29: ...i dac nu exist semne de deteriorare cum ar fi u a ndoit sau deformat garnituri ale u ii sau suprafe ele de contact deteriorate bala male i z voare fisurate sau cu lipsuri urme de lovituri n interioru...

Страница 30: ...itul n cuptorul cu microunde Nu g ti i mai mult de un minut Cur are conservare i deservire 1 nainte de cur are opri i cuptorul i scoate i techerul cablului de conectare din priza re elei de alimentare...

Страница 31: ...mentare cu curent electric Dac nu scoate i techerul din priz a tepta i 10 secunde i introduce i l din nou 2 Verifica i dac siguran a re elei de alimentare nu este ars sau dac nu a fost pornit siguran...

Страница 32: ...greutate 1 Ap sa i butonul Wt Time Defrost numai o singur dat Pe display va apare mesajul i se vor aprinde diodele de control i 2 Roti i butonul n direc ia sau pentru a seta greutatea produsului alime...

Страница 33: ...Durata de decongelare poate fi setat de la 00 05 5 secunde p n la 95 00 95 de minute 3 Ap sa i butonul Start 30 s Confirm pentru a ncepe procesul de decongelare Pute rea n timpul decongel rii n func...

Страница 34: ...un semnal sonor n cazul n care butonul nu este ap sat corect nu ve i auzi nici un semnal sonor 8 Sf r itul programului va fi semnalizat cu ajutorul semnalului sonor care va fi auzit de cinci ori Ecolo...

Страница 35: ...35 MW3131 001_v04 Zelmer Zelmer 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 Auto Menu 40 40 40 40 41 1 2 3 4 ZELMER i 8 RU...

Страница 36: ...36 MW3131 001_v04 230 V 1 2 3 4 5 30 10 20 6 7 8 9 1 2 bed and breakfast...

Страница 37: ...37 MW3131 001_v04 3 4 5 3 Stop Clear 3 Stop Clear 1 2 3 4 3 1 1 250 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 200 11 12 230 V 50 Hz 1250 W 1000 W 800 W 2450 MHz 293 485 410 221 314 347 23 270 13 7 1 2...

Страница 38: ...1_v04 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 10 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 Microwave 3 Grill Combi 4 Auto Reheat 5 Wt Time Defrost 6 Clock Pre Set 7 Stop Clear 8 Start 30 s Confirm 30 9 M Mo 6 5 4 10 1 9 7 3 2 8 1 2 5...

Страница 39: ...irm 30 3 Start 30 s Confirm 1 Wt Time Defrost 2 100 200 1900 2000 3 Start 30 s Confirm 1 Wt Time Defrost 2 0 05 5 95 00 95 3 Start 30 s Confirm P30 1 Clock Pre Set 2 0 23 23 0 3 Clock Pre Set 4 0 59 5...

Страница 40: ...nfirm 6 400 1 2 Start 30 s Confirm 3 400 4 Start 30 s Confirm s A 1 200 2 30 400 4 10 A 2 200 4 40 400 8 40 600 10 10 A 3 250 4 10 350 5 10 450 6 30 A 4 200 3 30 300 4 20 400 5 10 A 5 250 3 50 350 4 5...

Страница 41: ...41 MW3131 001_v04 6 Start 30 s Confirm 7 8 K PE...

Страница 42: ...42 MW3131 001_v04 Zelmer Zelmer 42 42 43 43 44 44 44 44 44 44 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 Auto Menu 47 47 47 47 48 1 2 3 4 ZELMER BG...

Страница 43: ...43 MW3131 001_v04 230 V 8 bed and breakfast 1 2 3 4 5 30 10 20 6 7 8 9 1 2...

Страница 44: ...44 MW3131 001_v04 1 2 3 4 5 3 Stop Clear 3 Stop Clear 1 2 3 4 3 1 1 250 2 1 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 200 5 11 12 230 V 50 Hz 1250 W 1000 W 800 W 2450 MHz 293 485 410 221 314 347 23 270 13 7...

Страница 45: ...001_v04 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 10 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 Microwave 3 Grill Combi 4 Auto Reheat 5 Wt Time Defrost 6 Clock Pre Set 7 Stop Clear 8 Start 30 s Confirm 30 9 6 5 4 10 1 9 7 3 2 8 1 2 5 8...

Страница 46: ...irm 30 3 Start 30 s Confirm 1 Wt Time Defrost 2 100 200 1900 2000 3 Start 30 s Confirm 1 Wt Time Defrost 2 0 05 5 95 00 95 3 Start 30 s Confirm P30 1 Clock Pre Set 2 0 23 23 0 3 Clock Pre Set 4 0 59 5...

Страница 47: ...2 Start 30 s Confirm 3 400 4 Start 30 s Confirm s A 1 Pizza 200 g 2 30 400 g 4 10 A 2 200 g 4 40 400 g 8 40 600 g 10 10 A 3 250 g 4 10 350 g 5 10 450 g 6 30 A 4 200 g 3 30 300 g 4 20 400 g 5 10 A 5 2...

Страница 48: ...48 MW3131 001_v04 5 Start 30 s Confirm 6 Start 30 s Confirm 7 8 5...

Страница 49: ...49 MW3131 001_v04 Zelmer Zelmer 49 49 50 50 50 51 51 51 51 51 51 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 54 54 Auto Menu 54 54 54 54 55 55 1 2 3 4 ZELMER 8 UA...

Страница 50: ...50 MW3131 001_v04 230 V 8 1 2 3 4 5 30 10 20 6 7 8 9 1 2 bed and breakfast...

Страница 51: ...51 MW3131 001_v04 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 200 11 12 230 V 50 Hz 1250 W 1000 W 800 W 2450 MHz 293 485 410 221 314 347 23 270 13 7 1 2 3 4 5 3 Stop Clear 3 Stop Clear 1 2 3 4 3 1 1 250 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 4...

Страница 52: ...131 001_v04 1 2 3 4 1 10 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 Microwave 3 Grill Combi 4 Auto Reheat 5 Wt Time Defrost 6 Clock Pre Set 7 Stop Clear 8 Start 30 s Confirm 30 9 6 5 4 10 1 9 7 3 2 8 1 2 5 8 3 6...

Страница 53: ...rm 30 3 Start 30 s Confirm 1 Wt Time Defrost i 2 100 200 1900 2000 3 Start 30 s Confirm 1 Wt Time Defrost i 2 0 05 5 95 00 95 3 Start 30 s Confirm P30 1 Clock Pre Set 2 0 23 23 0 3 Clock Pre Set 4 0 5...

Страница 54: ...30 s Confirm 6 7 7 Start 30 s Confirm 1 2 Stop Clear Start 30 s Confirm Stop Clear 3 Microwave Microwave 3 4 Clock Pre Set 3 5 Start 30 s Confirm 6 Start 30 s Confirm 1 Auto Reheat i 2 Auto Reheat 200...

Страница 55: ...55 MW3131 001_v04 7 8 PE 26663 19848 5 40 1 15150...

Страница 56: ...rowave energy observe the following rules DANGER WARNING Risk of injury Use this appliance only for its intended use as described in this manual Do not use or heat corrosive chemicals in the device Ov...

Страница 57: ...ort circuit grounding reduces the risk of electric shock It is advisable to use the oven in a separate electrical circuit In case of using an extension cord 1 The extension cord must be a three wire c...

Страница 58: ...boil about 200 ml of water with lemon juice and lemon peel in a microwave safe bowl for 5 minutes Wipe the inside of the microwave oven thoroughly by means of a dry soft cloth 11 When it is necessary...

Страница 59: ...n cooking 4 Auto Reheat Automatic reheating 5 Wt Time Defrost Defrosting by weight Defrosting by time 6 Clock Pre Set Clock setting 7 Stop Clear Stop Cancel 8 Start 30 s Confirm Start 30 s Confirm 9 K...

Страница 60: by time is set to P30 and this value cannot be changed Automatic reheating 1 Press Auto Reheat The display shows and and indicator lights will come on 2 Press Auto Reheat or turn the knob to chang...

Страница 61: ...nicipal waste Delayed start This function makes it possible to start the oven at a later time for example the clock shows 11 10 you want to start cooking at 11 30 1 Set the clock see the Setting the c...

Страница 62: ...MW3131 001_v04 Notes...

Страница 63: ...MW3131 001_v04 Notes...

Страница 64: ...1 A mikrohull mok 5 szint teljes tm ny fokozata rugalmas alkalmazkod s a meleg tett telek m ret hez s t pus hoz 2 8 automatikus f z program a mikrohull m s t saj t maga ll tja be az id t s a teljes tm...
