background image



For stubborn wrinkles, wait a few seconds before pressing the 


Burst of 

Steam Button   (3)

 again. Most wrinkles can be removed within three 


After operation press and hold 


 button for about 2 sec-

onds to switch off the iron. You can hear single sound signal. Then the 

display (5)

 goes off. 

Disconnect the iron from mains supply outlet.


When the iron gets cool completely, store it vertically in a safe place.


It may be necessary to press the burst of steam button a few times to 

start this function.
For optimum steam quality, do not operate the Burst of Steam more 

than three times in one cycle.
Hold  the  iron  some  centimetres  away  from  delicate  garments  (artifi


cial, silk, velvet etc.), otherwise they can be damaged.

Build-in anti-scale system

The build-in anti-scale cartridge is designed to reduce the build-up of lime 

scale that occurs during steam ironing. This will prolong the working life of 

your iron, although it does not stop the natural process of build-up of lime 

scale completely.


This function removes the scales and minerals built up in the Steam Cham-

ber. The iron will remain in the best condition if this function is performed 

at least once a month or more regularly depending on the hardness of the 
water used. You can see 


LCD display (5)


Fill the water tank in as described under “


How To Fill Water


Place the iron on the surface in vertical, resting position.


Connect the iron to a suitable mains supply outlet.




display (5)

 glows for a moment and you can hear single sound sig-

nal. Then the 

display (5) 

go off.

Set the temperature 


 (9 - highest level) with  



  buttons, as described in “

Temperature Setting

” item.

For stubborn wrinkles, wait a few seconds before pressing the 


Burst of 

Steam Button (10)

 again. Most wrinkles can be removed within three 


After operation press and hold 


 button for about 2 sec-

onds to switch off the iron. You can hear single sound signal. Then the 

display (5)

 goes off. 

Disconnect the iron from mains supply outlet.


When the iron gets cool completely, store it vertically in a safe place.


It may be necessary to press the burst of steam button a few times to 

start this function.
For optimum steam quality, do not operate the Burst of Steam more 

than three times after the control light goes off.

Burst of steam in vertical position

 – Always follow the garment 

manufacturer’s ironing instructions mentioned at the garment label.

This function provides extra amount of steam to remove wrinkles on delicate 

garments in hanging position, hanging curtains, or other hanging fabrics.


Do not apply steam on any clothes or fabrics that are being worn by 

human or pets. Never direct the steam to human or pets.

Fill the water tank in as described under “


How To Fill Water


Connect the iron to a suitable mains supply outlet.




display (5)

 glows for a moment and you can hear single sound sig-

nal. Then the 

display (5)

 go off.

Set  the  temperature 


  (5 level) 

or higher with 



tons, as described in “

Temperature Setting




steam  ironing  indicator





pears on display.

The appliance is ready for operation.


Hold the iron between 15 and 30 centimetres away from the garment.


Press the 


Burst of Steam Button



 once – steam will shoot from 

the  holes  of  the  soleplate.  The  steam  penetrates  the  fabric  removing 


Содержание 28Z025

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Страница 14: ...slu n mu nap jec mu zdroji Na chv li se rozsv t displej 5 a zazn jednotliv zvukov sign l Pot displej 5 zhasne P i pou it tla tek nebo nastavte teplotu 5 posledn stupe nebo vy jak je uvedeno v odstavci...

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Страница 25: ...j vel r stb vasal s t vasal anyagon kereszt l v gezze hogy a vasal ne hagyjon maga ut n f nyes nyomokat 5 A permetez a g zl vet vagy f gg leges g zl vet beind t sa c lj b l sz ks ges lehet a gomb t bb...

Страница 26: bbi feliratok jelennek meg angolul akril nylon selyem poli szter blend gyapj pamut jeans len A h fok cs kkent se c lj b l nyomja meg t bbsz r a jelet min den egyes megnyom s ut n hangjelz s hallat...

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Страница 31: fa ndep rta i toate foliile protectoare i autocolantele de pe talpa fierului de c lcat i de pe carcas nainte de utilizare cablul de alimentare trebuie desf urat i ndreptat nainte de umplerea sau d...

Страница 32: ...tur n func ie de tipul de material 2 Face i o prob de c lcat pe partea interioar a hainelor dac nu sunte i siguri n privin a tipului de material din care sunt confec ionate ncepe i de la o temperatur...

Страница 33: ...ce Imediat se activeaz display ul 5 i se aude un semnal sonor Pe urm display ul 5 se dezactiveaz Ap sa i butonul care se afl n partea st ng a dis play ului pentru a l activa Se aude un semnal sonor Pe...

Страница 34: ...lcat de la re eaua de alimentare C nd aparatul s a r cit complet a eza i l n pozi ie vertical la loc sigur Stropirea Func ia aceasta poate fi folo sit n diferite momente i nu influen eaz nici un regla...

Страница 35: ...l Turnarea apei Conecta i fierul de c lcat la o surs adecvat de energie electric Imediat se activeaz display ul 5 i se aude un semnal sonor Pe urm display ul 5 se dezactiveaz Utiliz nd butoanele sau f...

Страница 36: ...z contrar es turile pot suferi deterior ri Sistem ncorporat mpotriva depunerilor de calcar Recipientul ncorporat sigur nd mpotriva depunerilor de calcar a fost astfel proiectat nc t s mic oreze cantit...

Страница 37: ...ui Se aude un semnal sonor ntrerupt 3 La fiecare mi care a fierului de c lcat se anuleaz func ia de oprire automat Se lumineaza display ul 5 semnalul sonor se opre te i fierul de c lcat se nfierb nt d...

Страница 38: ...entele periculoase care se g sesc n aparat pot fi periculoase pentru mediul nconjur tor Nu arunca i aparatul mpreun cu gunoiul menajer Importatorul produc torul nu r spunde de eventualele defec iuni a...

Страница 39: ...39 GW28 022_v01 39 40 40 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 43 43 43 44 44 Anti drip 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 Zelmer Zelmer RU...

Страница 40: ...40 GW28 022_v01 1 2 3 4 5 6 I ZELMER LVD 2006 95 EC EMC 2004 108 EC CE...

Страница 41: ...41 GW28 022_v01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 8 MAX 8 5 5 5 a c A B C D E F...

Страница 42: ...42 GW28 022_v01 1 12 5 5 4 3 2 5 4 9 2 5 5 2 5...

Страница 43: ...43 GW28 022_v01 5 5 5 B 4 4 2 5 5 9 5 5 5 B 3 3 2 5...

Страница 44: ...44 GW28 022_v01 5 5 5 5 B 15 30 3 3 2 5 5 5 5 9 2 5 10 10...

Страница 45: ...45 GW28 022_v01 Anti Drip Anti Drip Anti Drip A 1 30 2 5 3 5 A 1 5 10 2 5 3 5 60 2 5...

Страница 46: ...46 GW28 022_v01 K PE...

Страница 47: ...47 GW28 022_v01 LCD 47 48 48 49 LCD 49 49 49 50 50 50 51 51 51 52 52 Anti drip 53 53 53 53 53 53 54 Zelmer Zelmer LCD BG...

Страница 48: ...48 GW28 022_v01 1 2 3 4 5 6 ZELMER LVD 2006 95 EC EMC 2004 108 CE...

Страница 49: ...49 GW28 022_v01 1 2 3 4 5 LCD 6 LCD 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 8 MAX 8 5 5 5 LCD A B C D E F...

Страница 50: ...50 GW28 022_v01 1 12 5 5 4 3 2 5 4 2 5 5 2 5...

Страница 51: ...51 GW28 022_v01 5 5 5 B 4 2 5 5 9 5 5 5 B 3 3 2 5...

Страница 52: ...52 GW28 022_v01 5 5 5 5 B 15 30 3 3 2 5 LCD 5 5 5 9 2 5 10 10...

Страница 53: ...53 GW28 022_v01 Anti Drip Anti Drip Anti Drip 1 30 2 5 3 5 1 5 10 2 5 3 5 60 2 5...

Страница 54: ...54 GW28 022_v01...

Страница 55: ...55 GW28 022_v01 LCD 55 56 56 57 LCD 57 57 57 58 58 58 59 59 59 60 60 Anti drip 61 61 61 61 61 61 62 62 Zelmer Zelmer LCD UA...

Страница 56: ...56 GW28 022_v01 1 2 3 4 5 6 ZELMER LVD 2006 95 EC EMC 2004 108 EC CE...

Страница 57: ...57 GW28 022_v01 1 2 3 4 5 LCD 6 LCD 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 8 i MAX 8 5 i 5 i i 5 LCD A B C D E F...

Страница 58: ...58 GW28 022_v01 i 1 12 5 i 5 4 3 2 5 4 2 5 i 5 2 5...

Страница 59: ...59 GW28 022_v01 5 i 5 5 B 4 2 5 5 9 5 i 5 5 B 3 3 2 5...

Страница 60: ...60 GW28 022_v01 5 i 5 5 5 B 15 30 3 3 2 5 i LCD 5 5 i 5 9 2 i 5 10 10...

Страница 61: ...61 GW28 022_v01 Anti drip Anti Drip Anti Drip 1 30 2 5 3 5 1 5 10 2 5 3 5 60 2 5 i...

Страница 62: ...62 GW28 022_v01 26663 19848 5 40 1 15150...

Страница 63: ...e repaired by trained staff only Improper repair can result in serious hazard for a user In case of defects we recom mend you to contact qualified service desk Do not use the appliance when it is dama...

Страница 64: ...bric Start with a low temperature and increase gradually 3 Wait for about three minutes before ironing heat sensitive fabrics Tem perature adjustment needs certain time to reach the required level no...

Страница 65: ...ick The labels shall appear on dis play in reverse sequence Dots indicate the temperature setting Preparation for operation first ironing Remove any protective films or sticker from the soleplate 1 an...

Страница 66: ...Burst of Steam Button 3 once steam will shoot from the holes of the sole plate Spraying This function can be used any time and is not affect any set ting Fill the water tank as de scribed in How to F...

Страница 67: ...display 5 go off Set the temperature 9 highest level with or buttons as described in Temperature Setting item For stubborn wrinkles wait a few seconds before pressing the Burst of Steam Button 10 aga...

Страница 68: ...ITION 1 The iron will switch off automatically after approximately 30 seconds if it is immobile in the ironing position horizontal 2 The symbol will appear on the display 5 and will be accompanied by...

Страница 69: ...natural environment It is neither dif ficult nor expensive In order to do it put the cardboard packing into recycling pa per container put the polyethylene PE bags into container for plastic When worn...

Страница 70: ...GW28 022_v01...

Страница 71: ...GW28 022_v01...

Страница 72: ...GW28 022_v01...
