8. SMS
the description of this route
Source Line:
the type of source device (includes FXO, GSM, CDMA, IP) and ports available
( can be multi-chosen) , for example, 'Slot1-2' means the 2nd port of the 1st card. "G/C"means
GSM or CDMA module: C-slot3 is the CDMA port of the third slot, "G-slot4"is the GSM port on
the 4th slot.
Caller Pattern:
sender's number pattern, refers to 6.1 number matching rules, the default is
all sender's number are valid.
Caller Pattern:
reveiver's number pattern, refers to 6.1 number matching rules, the default is
all sender's number are valid.
Destination Line:
the type of destination device (includes FXO, CDMA , GSM, IP ) and ports
available(multi-chosen ), default 'ALL' means all ports of this card can be used.
Alter Strategy:
specific alter rules. For more details, see 6.3.3 number alter rules.
Alter Strategy Settings
, it's composed of several sub-strategies (up to eight
sub-strategies ), and these sub-strategies are order-sensitive, please be careful about it.
Figure 8-3
SMS - Route setting page