Tank Pictogram
MAX liters
General Information & Specifications
SCUBA Cylinder Selection and Configuration
The maximum single and double cylinder size specifications (in liters) for
the BC is found on a tank pictogram on the warning label. This label is
found on the BC, inside the vest. If the double cylinder pictogram has a
in it, then the BC has been designed for single cylinder use only. If
the single and double cylinder pictograms have numbers in them, then
the BC has been designed for either single or double cylinder use. The
number in the pictogram indicates the largest cylinder size recommend-
ed, in liters.
is the volume of the SCUBA cylinder. When ex-
pressed in cubic feet, the volume is given for compressed gas. When
expressed in liters, the volume is given for the actual volume of the
cylinder based on the interior dimensions of the cylinder (water capac-
ity). Zeagle Systems, Inc. maximum recommended cylinder capacity is
120 ft
(19 liters). Once again, if you have a question, consult your local
authorized Zeagle Dealer.
Failure to comply with the following information may result in an im-
proper buoyancy configuration. You must maintain neutral buoyancy
while diving to prevent injury or death.
Your over-all buoyancy depends on a combination of the buoyancy of all
your diving equipment added to your own body's buoyancy. The Zeagle
System is designed to work with a variety of tank sizes and configura-
are two quantities
which are important to understand when configuring
your equipment. Cylinder dimensions are the actual,
outside dimensions of a SCUBA cylinder (also called
the tank). Zeagle BC's are designed specifically for
SCUBA cylinders which have a maximum diameter
of 8 in (20.3 cm) and maximum height of 31 in (78.7
cm). Consult your local authorized Zeagle Dealer if
you have any questions regarding cylinder