Chapter 5 Management Page 52
LAN Settings:
IP Address
: Specify the IP address for the ZAC-managed Access Point.
Subnet Mask
: Specify the Subnet mask for the ZAC-managed Access Point.
DHCP Server
: Select to enable or disable DHCP server on the ZAC-managed Access Point.
DHCP IP Address Range
: When the DHCP Server is enabled, users may specify DHCP IP
Address Range for the ZAC-managed Access Point.
DHCP Subnet Mask
: Specify the DHCP Subnet Mask for the ZAC-managed Access Point.
Lease Time
: Specify the lease time (15-44640 minutes) for the ZAC-managed Access Point.
For wireless clients who want to access the unit
’s web page in Router mode, please
type the IP address here in the browser
’s address bar to enter the web page.
Captive Portal
Captive portal is a management which allows WLAN users to easily and securely access the Internet.
Under Router mode, when captive portal is enabled, the IEEE 802.11n ZAC Wireless CPE will redirect
the client to go to an authentication web page before browsing Internet web pages. Captive portals are
used on most Wi-Fi hotspots networks. Therefore, to use captive portal, you need to find the service
providers that have the additional services needed to make captive portal work.