Zaxcom RX-12R System Menu
Scan Menu
From the scan menu is where the RX-12R can search the spectrum to
determine what RF is present. This will aid in finding a clear operating
frequencies. After a scan the RF that is present will be represented in the
graph by a series of vertical lines extending from the baseline up, the
higher line the stronger the RF signal is.
The horizontal lines show the strength of the signal in decibels. Any stray
RF below 40dB shouldn’t have too much effect on the performance.
The yellow area shows the 35MHz window of the front end filter.
The colored vertical lines will show the frequencies that that the QRX212
modules are currently set to.
Scanning on the RX-12R
To initiate a scan press the star key.
After scanning the current 35MHz window the filter can be repositioned by adjusting the center frequency
and additional scans can be performed to show more of the spectrum; the RX-12R will remember the
previous scans and add the new scan to those.
When in the scan menu pressing the number 1 key will zoom out showing more of the scanned spectrum
and pressing the number 2 key will zoom in magnifying the scanned spectrum.
After the scan is completed frequencies can be chosen and set manually or Auto-Pick can be used which
allows the RX-12R to determine the frequencies.
Center frequency
The center frequency is the frequency that is in the middle of 35MHz filter. The filter extends 17.5MHz above and
17.5MHz below the center frequency. Adjusting the center frequency will physically move the location of the
filter. To adjust the filter rotate the menu encoder knob or enter the desired frequency on the numeric keypad.
The marker is for visual identification to examine a specific frequency within the scan. To adjust the marker rotate
the menu encoder knob or manually enter the desired frequency on the numeric keypad.
80 dB
70 dB
60 dB
50 dB
40 dB