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Operating manual ZX09/20/21-Series
Example 2
In this example, the steps of initial commissioning (see section 8.2) are carried out for
a specific example. Starting with the development of a program in step 1, the individual
steps are carried out until the system is fully operational after completing step 9.
The process
In this example the control of a good/bad part sorting shall be shown. Figure 34 shows
the process to be automated. Component parts are delivered via a conveyor belt. At
position 1 these parts are to be checked for their maximum height. For this purpose a
light barrier is to be used to check whether the individual components exceed the
specified maximum size. If this is the case, the defective products are to be sorted out
at position 2 via a trap door. To ensure that only the faulty component is sorted out, a
light barrier at position 2 should monitor the passing of the component. If the maxi-
mum height is not exceeded, the components should be transported further to position
3. Here a colour sensor is to be used to check the component for the correct colour.
Similar to position 2, the faulty component should be sorted out at position 4. If the
component meets the specified conditions, it should be conveyed to another machine
at position 5.