1. Registering master transponder
For the first time to use, after switching on the panel, the loudspeaker keeps beep sound and the
three indicator lights keeps blinking. When you swipe a IC transponder (card or fob), there will
be a beep sound at the same time, then this transponder is successfully authorized as a master
transponder. Immediately after the first application of the master transponder, user transponders
can be registered one after the other. To complete the transponder registration process, the last
of the added transponders should be touched again or wait for the reader to automatically exit
the programming mode.
Master transponder can not be swiped to open the lock.
2. Registering user transponders
a. Swipe master transponder 1 time, three indicators will keep lighting on, then swipe another IC
transponder, which will be added as an user transponder. The authorization of the new user
transponder is signaled by a short high-pitched tone. Continue to swipe other IC transponder
in sequence can add more user transponders. Swipe recently added user transponder again
to exit the setting mode when you finished operation. The door station will exit from setting
mode automatically when there is no operation in 30 seconds.
b. Up to 100 user transponders can be registered by the door station. Transponder reading di-
stance is ≤2cm. The master transponder is necessary when you add or delete user trans-
ponders. Please keep it well for future use and do not mix with user transponders. A possible
mistake may result in restoring the RFID reader to factory settings.
3. Deleting master and user transponders
a. Swipe the master transponder 4 times in a row, all user transponders and the master trans-
ponder will be deleted, loudspeaker keeps beep sound and the three indicator lights keeps
blinking again.
b. If the master transponder is lost, shortly press “RESET” button in the rear side can also delete
the master transponder and all user cards (see section RESTORING FACTORY SETTINGS).
1. Password operations
The default management password: 000000. The default unlock password: 123456
a. Changing management password:
Example: Set 888888 as new management password.
1. Input * + default password # to enter setting mode.
2. Continuous input *888888# in twice, the management password will be changed.
So the complete action of changing the administrator password will look like this:
*000000#*888888#*888888#. There is only one administrator password.
b. Changing user unlock password:
Example: Set 666666 as your new password.
1. Input *888888# to enter setting mode. (Replace 888888 with your new admin password.
2. Continuous input 666666# in twice, the unlock password will be changed. The
complete action of changing the user’s password will therefore look like this:
*000000#666666#666666#. There is only one user password for all household mem-
1. Door lock opening (refer to this if you connect with a door lock).
Password unlock:
Example: If the unlock password is 123456, input 123456#, then the
unlock indicator will light unlocks on (point 3 in the APPEARANCE section), and the door
lock will be opened.
Swiping transponder unlock:
In the standby state, swipe a user transponder, then the
unlock indicator will light on and the door lock will be opened.
2. Gate unlock (refer to this if you connect with a gate lock).
Password unlock:
Example: If the unlock password is 123456, input 123456*, then the
unlock indicator will light on and the gate will be opened.