ZADI RTS Bike Скачать руководство пользователя страница 25

Icona pneumatico anteriore - Front tyre icon - Ikone Vorderreifen 
Icona pneumatico posteriore - Rear tyre icon - Ikone Hinterreifen 
Bassa tensione batteria unità centrale - Central unit battery low - Niedrige Batteriespannung Zentraleinheit 
Unità di misura - Units of measure - Ma



Pressione e temperatura ruota posteriore - Rear wheel pressure and temperature - Druck und Temperatur Hinterreifen 
Icona di allarme - Alarm icon - Alarm-Ikone



Pressione e temperatura ruota anteriore - Front wheel pressure and temperature - Druck und Temperatur Vorderreifen 
Indicatore luminoso allarme - Luminous alarm indicator - Alarm-Leuchtanzeige 


Dear customer, 

thank you for choosing RTS Bike. 

The product you purchased is the most innovative  in the field of motorcycle tyre monitoring: it complete, accurate and offers very high performance. 

It is the result of ZADI  continuous research and  to improve riding safety. 

Before installing and using RTS Bike, you should carefully read this manual. It contains important pieces of information for the correct installation and use of the device.  










This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) 

this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, 

including interference that may cause undesired operation. 

This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause 

harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. 

If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the 

interference by one or more of the following measures: 

- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. 

- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. 

- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. 

- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. 

Caution: changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. 



Important preliminary information 

RTS Bike is a real time tyre pressure and temperature monitoring system, specifically developed for two-wheels vehicles. You must consider it a driver’s auxiliary device and by no means a 

substitute for the ordinary check and maintenance of the tyres. 

RTS Bike does not prevent the rider from starting the vehicle if the tyres are flat. The device begins measuring temperature and pressure when wheels turn. Therefore, before starting the 

vehicle you must visually check the pressure status of the tyres. 

The central unit must be installed in such a way as to prevent it from distracting the person riding the vehicle. Do not make any set-up while riding and stop your vehicle before operating on 

the central unit. 

In case of tyre burst, tyre very fast deflation or sensor damages due for example to a deep road bump, the central unit could eventually not indicate the correct status of the tyre. Should you 

suspect an incorrect pressure figure, stop at the nearest service station to check the pressure of all tyres. 

The sensors inside the tyres transmit data to the central unit by means of radio waves. In particular conditions (for examples areas with high density of electromagnetic interference) the 

central unit could temporarily not receive the pressure data and consequently indicate the absence of the sensors. 

The central unit automatically compensate the changes of pressure due to temperature variations inside the tyre. The warning threshold value for low pressure is set at -15% of the 

memorized pressure value and is automatically recalculated based on the compensated temperature (see picture no.9) 

ZADI declines any responsibility and shall not be liable for any  incorrect or not foreseen installation or use of the device. You must carefully follow the installation and use instructions of this 



ZADI declines any responsibility and shall not be liable for any  direct or indirect damage caused to persons, objects or animals by the  missing observance of any of the instructions of this 





How it works

To start the central unit push for at least 3 sec. the S1 (On/Off) button (picture no.1). 

In order reduce energy consumption the backlight is normally off, the display will in any case be visible in daylight. The backlight  may be activated for 10 seconds by shortly pushing one of 

the two buttons (S1  or S2).


If the central unit has been started, and is therefore in ACTIVE mode, it automatically detects if the motorcycle is moving or not and consequently changes the visualization in: 

SLEEP: when the motorcycle has not moved for more than 5 minutes.

 In this mode the battery consumption is considerably reduced. The central unit only shows the motorcycle icon. 

After 24 hours of SLEEP mode the central unit will automatically turn off to preserve battery life. To restore the ACTIVE mode shortly press S1.



RUN: the motorcycle moves.

 The central unit, besides warning the rider as described above, shows the instant parameters in the following options: 


Continuous visualization of the tyres pressure 


Continuous visualization of the tyres temperature 


Alternating visualization of pressure and temperature every 7 seconds. 

     In RUN mode, to switch from a visualization option to the other, shortly push the S2 (MODE) button. 


In order to preserve the battery life, when the motorcycle remains unused for long periods of time it is advisable to completely turn the central unit off. To do this keep the S1 button pushed 

until the central unit is off. In this case the central unit is completely off and will not send any warning indication.  



Содержание RTS Bike

Страница 1: ...1 Manuale Istruzioni RCS Bike ITA ENG TED ...

Страница 2: ...aleinheit 4 Unità di misura Units of measure Maβeinheit 5 Pressione e temperatura ruota posteriore Rear wheel pressure and temperature Druck und Temperatur Hinterreifen 6 Icona di allarme Alarm icon Alarm Ikone 7 Pressione e temperatura ruota anteriore Front wheel pressure and temperature Druck und Temperatur Vorderreifen 8 Indicatore luminoso allarme Luminous alarm indicator Alarm Leuchtanzeige 2...

Страница 3: ...8 3 mm version 11 3 mm version Fig 2 Kit composition Sensor fixing nut BMW only 3 Manuale Istruzioni RCS Bike ITA ENG TED ...

Страница 4: ...Fig 3 Menu 4 Manuale Istruzioni RCS Bike ITA ENG TED ...

Страница 5: ...Fig 4 Self learn 5 Manuale Istruzioni RCS Bike ITA ENG TED ...

Страница 6: ...Fig 5 Units of measure 6 Manuale Istruzioni RCS Bike ITA ENG TED ...

Страница 7: ...Fig 6 Sensor assembly 7 Manuale Istruzioni RCS Bike ITA ENG TED ...

Страница 8: ...Fig 7 Sensor spring spacing 8 Manuale Istruzioni RCS Bike ITA ENG TED ...

Страница 9: ...Fig 8 Central unit mounting options 9 Manuale Istruzioni RCS Bike ITA ENG TED ...

Страница 10: ...Fig 9 Temperature compensation diagram 10 Manuale Istruzioni RCS Bike ITA ENG TED ...

Страница 11: ... caso di scoppio sgonfiamento molto rapido del pneumatico o danneggiamento del sensore dovuti per esempio ad una buca profonda sul manto stradale la centrale potrebbe non segnalare correttamentelostatodellaruota Nelcasosisospettiunapressionenoncorretta fermarsiallaprimastazionediserviziopercontrollarelapressionedituttiipneumatici I sensori all interno delle ruote trasmettono i dati alla centrale t...

Страница 12: ... RUN moto in movimento La centrale oltre a dare segnalazioni di allarme come sopra visualizza anche i parametri istantanei dei pneumatici secondo le seguenti indicazioni Visualizzazionecontinuadellapressionedeipneumatici Visualizzazionecontinuadellatemperaturadeipneumatici Visualizzazionealternatadipressioneetemperaturaogni7secondi InfunzionamentoRUN ilpassaggiodauntipodivisualizzazioneadun altroa...

Страница 13: ...iconadelpneumaticoanteriorecominceràalampeggiare SesidesiderapassarealsensoreposteriorepremerebrevementeS2 Sgonfiareilpneumaticoanterioreportandolapressioneadunvaloreminoredi0 9bar 13psi emaggioredi0 4bar 6psi Premere S1 Il led lampeggerà brevemente e l icona del pneumatico anteriore diventa fissa il codice del sensore anteriore è stato appreso e salvato in memoria L iconadellaruotaposteriorecomin...

Страница 14: Se necessario eseguire procedura di auto apprendimento come indicato in figura 4 Questo step deve essere eseguito solo se si è installato un sensore in sostituzione a uno diquellifornitinelkitoriginale nonènecessarioall attodelprimomontaggio Dopo ogni installazione ripetere la memorizzazione della pressione di riferimento Qualora si debba smontare un pneumatico da un cerchio su cui è installato...

Страница 15: ...t In case of tyre burst tyre very fast deflation or sensor damages due for example to a deep road bump the central unit could eventually not indicate the correct status of the tyre Should you suspectanincorrectpressurefigure stopatthenearestservicestationtocheckthepressureofalltyres The sensors inside the tyres transmit data to the central unit by means of radio waves In particular conditions for ...

Страница 16: ...instantparametersinthefollowingoptions Continuousvisualizationofthetyrespressure Continuousvisualizationofthetyrestemperature Alternatingvisualizationofpressureandtemperatureevery7seconds InRUNmode toswitchfromavisualizationoptiontotheother shortlypushtheS2 MODE button Thecentralunitisequippedwithtwotypesofvisualalarms If the pressure values become at least 7 5 lower or higher than the reference p...

Страница 17: ...shing If you wish to switch to the rear sensor shortly push S2 Deflate the front tyre until the pressure value is lower than 0 9 bar 13 psi and higher than 0 4 bar 6 psi PressS1 Theledwillshortlyflashandthefronttyreiconwillbecomefixed Thecodeofthefronttyresensorhasbeenrecognizedandstoredinthememory Thereartyresymbolwillstartflashing ToexitwithoutexecutingtheprocedureforthereartyrepressS2 Nowfollow...

Страница 18: ...lowed only when one of the originally supplied sensors needs to be replaced Thisprocedureisnotrequiredwhenatthefirstmounting Installationofthedevice After any installation repeat the memorization procedure for the pressure reference values When the sensor is fixed on the rim and the tyre needs to be demounted always start bead loosening from the side opposite to the valve To prevent damages to the...

Страница 19: ...ringen BeimPlatzeneinesReifensodersehrraschemEntweichenderLuftodereinerBeschädigungdesSensors beispielsweiseaufgrundeinestiefenSchlaglochsimStraβenbelag zeigtdieZentraleinheit unterUmständennichtdenkorrektenZustanddesReifensan FallseinunzureichenderDruckvermutetwird andernächstenTankstelleanhaltenunddenDruckbeiderReifenüberprüfen DieSensorenimInnerenderReifensendendieDatenmittelsRadiowellenandieZe...

Страница 20: ...MomentanwertederReifenwiefolgtwiedergegeben KontinuierlicheAnzeigederReifendrücke KontinuierlicheAnzeigederReifentemperaturen AbwechselndeAnzeigevonDruckundTemperaturim7 Sekunden Takt ImRUN BetrieberfolgtderWechselvoneinerArtderAnzeigezuranderendurcheinenkurzenDruckvonS2 MODE DieZentraleinheitistmitzweiAlarmanzeigenversehen Weicht der Druck um mehr als 7 5 vom kompensierten Referenzdruck ab schalt...

Страница 21: ...fahrenwerden Ins Menü 1 SL gehen Die Ikone des vorderen Reifens beginnt zu blinken Möchte man zum hinteren Sensor übergehen kurz S2 drücken DieLuftausdemVorderreifenablassenunddenDruckaufunter0 9bar 13psi undüber0 4bar 6psi bringen S1 drücken Das LED leuchtet kurz auf und die Ikone des Vorderreifens wird fix der Code des vorderen Sensors wurde übernommen und abgespeichert Die Ikone desHinterreifen...

Страница 22: ...ird IngleicherWeisefürdenzweitenSensorverfahren Falls erforderlich die in Fig 2 dargestellteAnlern Prozedur durchführen Dieser Schritt ist nur beiAustausch der Sensoren des Original Kits erforderlich Bei Erstinstallation istdiesnichtnotwendig Nach jedem Einbau das Abspeichern des Referenzdrucks wiederholen BeimAbziehen des Mantels von einer Felge auf der ein Sensor montiert ist ist grundsätzlich a...

Страница 23: ...rsonnel ZADI spa reserves the right to modify the content of this manual or the technical characteristics and specifications of the product at any time without notice Das Produkt darf nur von qualifiziertem Personal eingebaut werden Zadi spa behält sich das Recht vor zu jedem beliebigen Zeitpunkt eventuell erforderliche Änderungen am Produkt vorzunehmen ohne verpflichtet zu sein dies bekanntzugebe...

Страница 24: ...24 Manuale Istruzioni RCS Bike ITA ENG TED ...

Страница 25: ...tyres The central unit must be installed in such a way as to prevent it from distracting the person riding the vehicle Do not make any set up while riding and stop your vehicle before operating on the central unit In case of tyre burst tyre very fast deflation or sensor damages due for example to a deep road bump the central unit could eventually not indicate the correct status of the tyre Should ...

Страница 26: ...y flash Memorization of the pressure reference value The pressure reference value gives a point of reference to the central unit to calculate the warning and alarm thresholds respectively fixed at 7 5 and 15 of the memorized pressure values This value is compensated according to the temperature this means that the central unit automatically recalculates the warning and alarm thresholds based on th...
