Static mode
Common question of blood pressure
Press the '' '' button and hold, meanwhile
install the batteries. Hold on for about 3
seconds then release the'' '' button. Then
screen will show the pressure value '' '' . Now
the system has restored and entered the
static mode. Now can take the static test.
Entering the static mode
After entering the static mode, if the screen
still doesn't show '' '', please operate again as
the System restore. Please contact with the
local distributor if it still does not work.
The static mode
The monitor will
power off if there is
no operation in 4
1. What is blood pressure?
Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood
against the walls of the arteries. Systolic
pressure occurs when the heart contracts.
Diast olic pressure occurs when t he heart
expands. Blood pressure is measured in
millimetres of mercury (mmHg). One's natural
blood pressure is represent ed by t he
fundamental pressure, which is measured first
thing in the morning while one is still at rest
and before eating.
2. What is Hypert ension and how is it
Hypert ension, an abnormally high art erial
blood pressure, if left unattended can cause
many health problems including stroke and
heart attack. Hypertension can be controlled
by altering lifestyle, avoiding stress, and with
medication under a doctor's supervision.
To prevent Hypertension or keep it under
control: Do not smoke, exercise regularly,
reduce salt and fat int ake, have regular
physical checkups, maintain proper weight.