Funzione di misurazione ausiliaria
Rilevamento del bracciale
Se il bracciale è stato avvolto correttamente, verrà
visualizzata l'icona ''
''. In caso contrario verrà
visualizzata l'icona ' '
'', quindi premere il pulsan
te '' '' per arrestare e avvolgere correttamente per
misurare di nuovo.
Indicazione di utilizzo errato
Se durante la misurazione il corpo si muove, verrà
visualizzata l'icona '' ''. Misurare di nuovo per non
visualizzare valori non accurati.
Auxiliary measuring function
If the cuff winded properly, it will show the
'' '' icon. Otherwise it will show the'' ''
icon, then press the '' '' button to stop
and wind properly to measure again.
It will show the '' '' icon, if body moves
when measuring. Please measure again or it
will show inaccurate results.
Cuff detection
Wrong operation indication
Static mode
Press the '' '' button after battery
installation, then the screen will show the'' ''
icon, which means the system is in restore
t est ing. Several seconds lat er, t he'' ''icon
disappears and the air pump starts inflating at
the same time, which indicates the test ended.
Then press the '' '' button to stop inflating
and take out the batteries to enter the next
This f unct ion is mainly f or prof essional
personnel to enter the static mode to test the
monitor through standard pressure gauge.
Warning: Normal users don't need to know
this function and also do not operate. The
company will not take any responsibility for
damage caused by this operation.
Note: It must restore the system before
entering the static mode, otherwise it may
cause inaccurate results.