Cleaning and Maintenance
Activate the auto clean function by pressing the Mist On button for 3 seconds. The diffuser will
automatically clean both pumps to prevent essential oil blockage. The auto clean function runs for
20 seconds and then resumes normal operation. It is highly recommended to auto clean the pumps
2−3 times a week.
A thorough cleaning of both the diffuser and the pumps is recommended at least once a month or if
abnormal diffusing is experienced. See cleaning instructions below:
1. Remove both pumps by pressing down on the pumps and then removing them from the diffuser.
2. Unscrew the pumps from the essential oil bottles. Be sure to cap the oils while cleaning to
prevent spilling.
3. Fill the enclosed empty cleaning bottles with rubbing alcohol. Screw the bottles onto the pumps
and secure the pumps back into the unit.
4. Turn the diffuser on and run it for one hour using any setting.
5. After the hour of cleaning, remove the pumps, unscrew the cleaning bottles,
and discard any unused alcohol.
6. Detach the oil tubes from the pumps by gently pulling them out. Lightly rinse the base of the
pump and the oil tube with clean water. Use a dry cloth to wipe off any excess water.
7. Reinsert the oil tubes back into their original hole in the pump. If residue is present on an oil tube,
switch it for a new oil tube.
8. Reattach the essential oil bottles to the pumps and secure the pumps into
the diffuser.