FORM 160.55-PW7
mote Analog Input Range” setpoint is set for 0-10
Volts, and Micro Board Program Jumper JP23 has been
placed on pins 1 and 2. Calculate the setpoint for vari-
ous inputs as follows:
SETPOINT (%) = 100 – (mA X 3.5)
For example, if the input is 8mA, the setpoint would be
set to 72% as follows:
= 100 – (8 X 3.5)
= 100 – 28 = 72%
4-20mA - As shown in Figure 16, connect input to Mi-
cro Board J22-2 (signal) and J2-5 (Gnd). The setpoint
varies linearly from 100% to 30% FLA as the input
varies from 4mA to 20mA. This input will only be ac-
cepted when “Analog” Remote Mode is selected, the
“Remote Analog Input Range” setpoint is set for
“2-10 Volts” and Micro Board Program Jumper JP23
has been placed on pins 1 and 2. Calculate the setpoint
for various inputs as follows:
SETPOINT (%) = 100 – [(mA – 4) X 4.375]
For example, if the input is 8mA, the setpoint would be
set to 83% as follows:
= 100 – [(8 – 4) X 4.375]
= 100 – (4 X 4.375)
= 100 – 17.5
= 82.5
= 83%
PWM - The Pulse Width Modulation input is in the form
of a 1 to 11 second relay contact closure that applies
115VAC to the I/O Board TB4-20 for 1 to 11 seconds.
As shown in Fig. 17, connect dry closure relay contacts
between I/O Board TB4-20 (signal) and TB4-1
(115VAC). The setpoint varies linearly from 100% to
30% as the relay contact closure time changes from 1
to 11 seconds. The relay contacts should close for 1 to
11 seconds at least once every 30 minutes to maintain
the setpoint to the desired value. If a 1 to 11 second
closure is not received within 30 minutes of the last clo-
sure, the setpoint is defaulted to 100%. A closure is
only accepted at rates not to exceed once every 70 sec-
onds. This input will only be accepted in “Digital” Re-
mote Mode. Calculate the setpoint for various pulse
widths as follows:
For example, if the relay contacts close for 3 seconds,
the setpoint would be set to 86% as follows:
= 100 – [(3 – 1) X 7]
= 100 – (2 X 7)
= 100 – 14
= 86%
0-10VDC, 2-10VDC, 0-20mA, 4-20mA or Pulse Width
Modulation Signal
Remote Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature Setpoint
Reset can be accomplished by supplying (by others) a
0-10VDC, 2-10VDC, 0-20mA, 4-20mA or 1 to 11 sec-
ond Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signal to the Con-
trol Center. The Leaving Chilled Liquid Tempera-
ture Setpoint is programmable over the range of 38°F
to 70°F (water applications), 36°F to 70°F (water appli-
cations with Smart Freeze Protection enabled) or 10°F
to 70°F (brine applications). The Remote Input Signal
changes the setpoint by creating an offset above the
locally programmed Leaving Chilled Liquid Tempera-
ture Base Setpoint value. The setpoint can be remotely
changed over the range of 10° or 20º F (as per the lo-
cally programmed Remote Reset Temperature
Range setpoint) above the Local Leaving Chilled Liq-
uid Temperature Setpoint. For example, if the Local
Setpoint is 40°F and the Remote Reset Tempera-
ture Range setpoint is programmed for 10°F, the Leav-
ing Chilled Liquid Temperature setpoint can be remotely
reset over the range of 40°F to 50°F. The Control Cen-
ter must be configured appropriately to accept the de-
sired signal type as follows:
• The appropriate Remote Mode must be selected:
Analog Remote Mode must be selected when
using a voltage or current signal input. Digital Re-
mote Mode must be selected when using a PWM
• If Analog Remote Mode is selected, the Remote
Analog Input Range setpoint must be set to
“0-10VDC” or “2-10VDC” as detailed below, re-
gardless of whether the signal is a voltage or cur-
rent signal type.