FORM 160.49-O1
The Control Center front panel layout consists of five
key groups, one switch and a 1 line by 40 character al-
phanumeric vacuum fluorescent display: (see Fig. 3.)
vacuum fluorescent display is located to the right of
the STATUS key. All messages, parameters, set points,
and data can be viewed at this location. The main com-
munications between the operator or service techni-
cian and the MicroComputer Control Center occurs on
this display.
DISPLAY – Provide a direct readout of each monitored
parameter on the alphanumeric display.
ENTRY – These keys are used to enter the values for
the operator programmed setpoints. These keys are
used in conjunction with the Setpoint keys while in
SETPOINTS – These keys are used as follows:
1. To view each setpoint, in any mode, or
2. To select the individual setpoints that are pro-
grammed by the operator in PROGRAM mode only.
Pressing the appropriate key enables the operator to
program that setpoint pressing the Entry keys.
SERVICE – Included in this group of keys are those
functions that are only relevant to servicing the chiller.
Typically, these keys would not be used for daily chiller
ACCESS CODE – Permits operator to access the pro-
PROGRAM – Permits operator to program the Control
MODE – Permits operator to check what mode the Con-
trol Center is presently in (LOCAL, REMOTE or SER-
1. Service – allows manual PRV control with visual
display readout of PRV operation.
2. Local – allows manual compressor start from the
COMPRESSOR switch on the Control Center front.
3. Program – allows operator programming of system
4. Remote – allows remote start, remote stop of com-
pressor and remote reset of LCWT and % current
SWITCH – This 3-position rocker switch is used to start
(except in REMOTE mode), stop/run/reset the system.
The Display key are used to display selected moni-
tored parameters as follows: (Refer to Fig. 3.)
• Press and release the appropriate Display key –
the message will be displayed for 2 seconds.
– or –
• Press and hold the appropriate Display key – the
message will be displayed and updated every 0.5
seconds until the Display key is released.
– or –
• Press and release appropriate Display key, then
press and release the DISPLAY HOLD key – the
message will be displayed and updated every 2 sec-
onds until the DISPLAY HOLD key is again pressed
and released, or 10 minutes have elapsed, which-
ever comes first.
NOTE: If the display actually displays X’s, then the
monitored parameter is out of normal operat-
ing range (refer to Fig. 4). If the “English/Met-
ric” jumper is installed on the Micro Board, all
temperatures are displayed in degrees Fahr-
enheit (°F) and all pressures are displayed in
pounds per sq. inch gauge (PSIG) except oil
pressure which is displayed in pounds per sq.
inch differential (PSID). If the “English/Metric”
jumper is not installed, all temperatures are
displayed in degrees Centigrade (°C) and all
pressures are displayed in Kilo-Pascals (kPa).