4.3.8 Current Measurement (µA/mA/A)
To avoid damage to instrument or equipment
• Before starting measurement, make sure that the position of function switch and the
input terminals for connecting the testing leads are appropriate for the desired mode of
• The maximum input current (limited by fuses) of the “µA” and “mA” ranges is 440 mA.
Be sure not to exceed the limit in the 600 mA range.
1) Turn the function switch to the “µA ” , “mA ” or “A ”position.
(If the magnitude of the current being measured is not known,
select the “A ”position. Make sure the current being measured
is no more than 440mA before the “µA ” or “mA ” position is
2) Please select between DC and AC. When selecting AC, press
the SELECT key.
3) Plug the black testing lead into the “ COM ” input terminal and
the red testing lead into the “A ”input terminal.
If the current is in the order of mA or less, plug the red testing
lead into the “µA • mA” input terminal.
4) Connect the testing leads to the circuit under test and then read
the value when it stabilizes.
Testing leads
Testing leads
4.3.9 Capacitor Measurement (
To avoid damage to instrument
• Turn off the power to the circuit under test before starting measurement in order to prevent
any excessive voltage from being applied to the instrument.
• Before starting measurement, be sure to discharge the capacitor under check.