TI 11B08A01-01E
If protection/safety circuits are to be used for the product or the system controlled by it, they
should be installed outside of the product.
• When you replace parts or consumables of the product, use those specified by us.
Do not modify the product.
Exemption from Responsibility
Yokogawa Electric Corporation does not make any warranties regarding the product except
for those mentioned in the WARRANTY that is provided separately.
Yokogawa Electric Corporation assumes no liability to any party for any loss or damage,
direct or indirect, caused by the use or any unpredictable defect of the product.
Trademark Acknowledgments
• Ethernet is a registered trademark of XEROX Corporation.
• All other company and product names mentioned in this user’s manual are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies.
• We do not use TM or ® mark to indicate those trademarks or registered trademarks in this
user’s manual.
Sep. 07, 2017-00