TI 11B08A01-01E
(4) Wait until the oven temperature drops to near room temperature. Usually it takes over one
(5) The supply of power to the protection system is stopped.
(6) After the oven temperature drops, the supply of the protective gas (instrumental air) is
In case of emergency, stop the supply of power immediately. In this case, it may damage to the
<Low pressure in the pressureized enclosure>
A. Electronics section (control unit, oven unit 1 to 3)
When the internal pressure in the electronics section falls below 392 (Pa), the following function
is activated.
The power supply is not shut off automatically. It should be done manually.
- The alarm is outputted from the contact output.
- The pressure low alarm is indicated on the operation panel.
- The “ALARM” LED is turned on.
B. Each isothermal oven (or programmed temperature oven) in the oven unit 1 to 3
When the internal pressure in any of the ovens falls below 392 (Pa), the control unit immediately
shuts off the power supply to the heater and detector in the respective ovens.
The function as follows is also activated at the same time.
- The alarm is outputted from the contact output.
- The pressure low alarm is indicated on the operation panel.
- The “ALARM” LED is turned on.
When the internal pressure in the oven returns to normal, the procedure starts automatically from
item (7) in <Power on>.
Safety Instructions
This content described as follows is only for ATEX, IECEx and NEPSI.
● Specification of safety system
Protection system
Oven safety unit
Power supply
Install in accordance with the specification of GC8000
Ambient condition
392 Pa
Flow rate of protection
35 L/min
Purging time
21 ±3 min
11 ±3 min
Safety response time
< 2 sec
HFT (*1)
SIL (*2)
Proof test interval
No needed
At least once within 3 years
Replacement interval (*3)
At least once within 12 years At least once within 27 years
Type of
Protection system itself
Ex db (*4)
Ex pxb (*5)
Protection target
Ex pxb (*5)
(*1) HFT: hardware Fault Tolerance
(*2) SIL: Safety Integrity Level
(*3) This interval is the longest period to maintain explosion proof function and does not mean that the system is under warranty
during the interval.
(*4) Ex d is specified for NEPSI explosion proof.
(*5) Ex px is specified for NEPSI explosion proof.
Sep. 07, 2017-00