IM DL850E-01EN
CAN Data Conversion Conditions
Configure these settings when the data type is set to Unsigned, Signed or Float. The DL850EV uses the factor
and offset values that you set here to convert extracted data to physical values
Factor: Scaling coefficient (value per bit)
Offset: Offset value
Selectable range: −10.000E+30 to +10.000E+30
Using up to 16 characters, enter the unit to display for the waveform.
Loading a CAN Data Definition File (Symbol File Load)
You can configure the CAN data extraction conditions by loading a CAN data definition file (an SBL file).
Data that has been edited using Symbol Editor
is assigned to DL850EV sub channels 1 to 60 according to the
order in the definition list (you can change the order in the Symbol Editor’s definition list).
* An SBL file (.SBL extension) is a CANdb file (.dbc extension) that has been converted and edited into a
physical value/symbol definition file using YOKOGAWA’s free Symbol Editor software. You can obtain Symbol
Editor from the YOKOGAWA website (http://www.yokogawa.com/ymi/).
CANdb files (.dbc) are signal definition database files created using the CANdb or CANdb++ software
produced by Vector Informatik.
Sub Channels 1 to 60 (Sub Channel 1 to 60)
Configure the display label, zoom magnification, scaling method, and display range settings of the specified sub
Labels (Label)
Zooming by Setting a Magnification (V Zoom)
Configure this setting when Value Type is set to Logic.
Selectable range: x0.1 to x3.33
Scaling (Scale)
Configure this setting when Value Type is not set to Logic.
Auto: The upper and lower display range limits are set automatically.
Default: To the greatest extent possible within the settable range, the maximum and minimum values are used to
set the display range setting (which is explained below) of the specified sub channel.
Display Range (Upper/Lower)
Specify the upper and lower limits of the waveform display range.
Selectable range: −30.000E+30 to +30.000E+30
Trace Settings (Trace Setup)
Display Groups (Select Display Gr.)
2 Vertical Axis