IM 701450-61E
How to Use This Manual
The following marking is used in this manual.
Calls attention to information that is important for proper operation
of the instrument.
Notations Used on Pages Describing Operating Procedures
The following notations are used to distinguish the contents of the explanations.
Follow the numbered steps. All procedures are written with
inexperienced users in mind; experienced users may not need to
carry out all the steps.
This subsection describes the setup parameters and the limitations
on the procedures.
Notations Used in the Procedures
Panel Keys and Soft keys
Bold characters used in the procedural explanations indicate characters that are marked on the
panel keys or the characters of the soft keys or menus displayed on the screen.
Jog Shuttle & SELECT
Jog shuttle & SELECT
indicates selecting or setting parameters and entering values using the
jog shuttle, the SELECT key, and other keys. For details on the procedure, see section 4.1 or
4.2 in the
DL7440/DL7480 User’s Manual IM701450-01E
k Denotes 1000. Example: 100 kS/s
K Denotes 1024. Example: 459 KB (file data size)